(A)   Any person or entity violating any provision of the code, or any code adopted pursuant thereto, within the corporate limits of the town may be issued a uniform ordinance summons. Issuance of the uniform ordinance summons shall vest jurisdiction in the Municipal Court to hear and dispose of the charge for which the uniform ordinance summons was issued and served. The uniform ordinance summons may be issued by any town law enforcement officer or any other town employees designated by the Council as code enforcement officers. The bond amount for violations shall be prescribed by the Chief Municipal Court Judge. Town law enforcement or code enforcement officers are prohibited from accepting bonds. Bonds are to be posted in the manner prescribed in the uniform ordinance summons. The uniform ordinance summons shall not be used to perform a custodial arrest. The ordinance summons shall contain a notice that failure to appear before the court as required, without first posting bond is a misdemeanor punishable by fine of $500 or 30 days in jail.
   (B)   This section does not apply to any ordinance which regulates the use of motor vehicles on the public roads.