(A)   Purpose.
      (1)   The village recognizes that manufactured housing presents residential opportunities and options, especially related to cost, which are unavailable with conventional site-built housing. Nonetheless, such manufactured housing has unique development characteristics that require special treatment in regard to location, placement and land use compatibility.
      (2)   The Manufactured Home Residential (MH-R) District is established to provide areas for manufactured homes so as to provide a desirable residential environment, protected from adverse neighboring influences, with adequate access for vehicular traffic and circulation. These residential communities shall be developed and located so as to not promote excessive vehicular traffic on streets in adjoining neighborhoods, and shall provide overall desirability equivalent to that for other forms of residential development.
   (B)   Requirements generally. Permanently sited manufactured homes and modular homes, as defined in § 152.005, shall be considered as permitted uses in any district that permits single-family dwellings. Manufactured homes not meeting the criteria for permanently sited manufactured homes in § 152.005 shall only be allowed under conditions as specified in this section. Mobile homes, as defined in § 152.005 and/or R.C. § 4501.01 shall not be considered as permitted or conditional uses in this or any other zoning district in the village. A nonconforming mobile home in the MH-R District, once removed, shall not be allowed to be relocated on another lot or replaced with another mobile home. Such mobile home may be replaced by a manufactured home, provided such home meets the standards in division (C)(3) below.
   (C)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   One- and two-family detached, semi-detached, and attached dwellings;
      (2)   Manufactured home communities;
      (3)   Individual manufactured homes not considered as permanently sited manufactured homes on single lots, provided such home is placed on a permanent foundation as defined in § 152.005 or a foundation or footing approved by the Manufactured Homes Commission pursuant to R.C. Chapter 4781, and such home was manufactured after January 1, 1995; and
      (4)   Public or private parks or playgrounds.
   (D)   Accessory uses. Uses and structures incidental and accessory to specified permitted uses to include common areas, community/recreational facilities and offices for rental and management of units therein.
   (E)   Conditional use. Nursery schools and/or day care centers.
   (F)   Prohibited uses. Keeping, feeding, grazing, or sheltering of hoofed animals, poultry, fowl, or the like.
   (G)   Development standards. The following standards for the arrangement and development of land and buildings are required in the MH-R District.
      (1)   Minimum lot area.
         (a)   The minimum lot area for any manufactured home community shall be ten acres. Maximum gross density shall not exceed six dwelling units per acre.
         (b)   Individual manufactured home lots shall be not less than 4,000 square feet.
         (c)   For any other permitted use, the minimum lot area shall not be less than 7,500 square feet.
      (2)   Minimum lot width.
         (a)   The minimum lot width for any manufactured home community shall be not less than 300 feet. Frontage shall be provided on a publicly dedicated and improved street. The ratio of width to depth shall not exceed one to five (1:5)
         (b)   The minimum lot width for any individual lot within such a community shall be not less than 30 feet.
         (c)   For any other permitted use, the minimum lot width shall be 60 feet.
      (3)   Minimum front yard.
         (a)   The minimum front yard depth for any manufactured home community shall be not less than 35 feet.
         (b)   For any other permitted use, the minimum front yard depth shall be 30 feet.
      (4)   Minimum side yard width.
         (a)   The minimum side yard width for any manufactured home community shall be not less than 50 feet.
         (b)   The minimum side yard width for any individual lot within a manufactured home community shall be not less than eight feet.
         (c)   For any other permitted use, the minimum side yard width shall be not less than eight feet, with at least 20 feet for the sum of side yards.
      (5)   Minimum rear yard depth.
         (a)   The minimum rear yard depth for any manufactured home community shall be not less than 50 feet.
         (b)   The minimum rear yard depth for any individual lot within a manufactured home community shall be not less than ten feet.
         (c)   For any other permitted use, the minimum rear yard depth shall be not less than 30 feet.
      (6)   Minimum lot coverage. Detached dwelling units and their accessory buildings shall not occupy more than 40% of the lot area of any individual lot within a manufactured home subdivision.
      (7)   Required open space and recreational areas. At least 20% of the gross land area for any manufactured home community shall be reserved for common recreational areas and facilities, such as playgrounds, swimming pools, pedestrian paths and similar facilities. Such recreational and open space facilities shall not be a part of streets and/or parking areas, and shall be closed to motorized traffic, except for service and maintenance vehicles. Such areas shall be landscaped, improved and maintained by the owner of the development for the intended uses.
      (8)   Off-street parking. In manufactured home communities and conditional uses, parking spaces shall be provided for two vehicles for each dwelling unit. Such parking spaces shall be located either on the same lot as the dwelling which they serve, or in specially provided common areas located not more than 600 feet from the dwelling which they serve, or some combination thereof. Required parking spaces shall not be provided on public or private streets within and on the perimeter of the community. Parking shall be so arranged that there is no maneuvering incidental to parking in the travel lane of streets.
      (9)   Access. All manufactured home communities shall have direct access to collector streets with a right-of-way of not less than 60 feet in width. Principal vehicular access points shall be designed to encourage smooth traffic flow. Merging and turnout lanes and/or traffic dividers shall be required where existing or anticipated traffic volumes indicate need. Minor streets shall not be connected with streets outside the district in such a way so as to encourage the use of those streets by substantial amounts of through traffic. No lot within the community shall have direct vehicular access to a street bordering the development.
      (10)   Streets and street layout.
         (a)   All streets providing access to the individual lots in a manufactured home community shall be dimensioned and improved in accordance with the standards and requirements of the subdivision regulations of the village.
         (b)   The proposed layout of streets within a manufactured home community shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board. In making such determinations, the Board may procure the assistance of an engineer or other professional. All costs associated with such approval shall be paid by the applicant prior to issuance of certificates of zoning compliance.
      (11)   Water and sewer. Any manufactured home community shall be provided with a water and sanitary sewer distribution system, serving each individual home lot, which is connected to the municipal water and sanitary sewage system. The design and construction of such distribution systems shall be approved by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and the Village Engineer.
      (12)   Storm drainage. All areas within a manufactured home community shall be graded and drained so as to minimize standing water and surface runoff. Open drainage ditches shall be prohibited. The proposed methods for alleviation of standing water and excessive surface runoff shall be submitted by the applicant, and approved by the village. All costs associated with such approvals shall be paid by the applicant prior to the issuance of certificates of zoning compliance.
      (13)   Underground utilities. Within any manufactured home community, all utility lines, including electricity, telephone and cable television shall be located underground.
(Ord. 97-5, passed 8-4-1997; Ord. 2008-6, passed 8-19-2008; Ord. 2023-6, passed 5-2-2023)