The City recognizes that recruiting should be led and coordinated by the Administrator, with the active cooperation of the various departments and that:
   (a)   The personnel and various departments shall initiate and maintain communications with minority community leaders to develop mutual understanding of needs.
   (b)   The facilities and resources of organizations serving minority groups or women shall be used.
   (c)   Publications such as recruiting literature and training announcements shall be reviewed to ensure that language or photographs do not imply inequality between men and women.
   (d)   The City shall work with and furnish recruitment literature to organizations which have frequent contacts with minority individuals and women and which can provide recruitment assistance and furnish recruitment information.
   (e)   The City personnel and other departments shall establish and maintain continuing relations with schools, including secondary, college, business or specialized which have large numbers of minority group and women students.
   (f)   Referrals shall be requested from government agencies and programs.
   (g)   Recruiting directed to minority or women applicants shall be facilitated if government agencies:
      (1)   Obtain and train recruiters who relate well with the minority community;
      (2)   Use minority group men or women as recruiters;
      (3)   Supply feedback on successful minority and women employees to recruitment sources;
      (4)   Make job announcements readable and understandable for all educationally disadvantaged;
      (5)   Provide instruction to improve test-taking skills;
      (6)   Insert recruitment literature in correspondence with citizenry;
      (7)   Print "An Equal Opportunity Employer" statement on outgoing correspondence;
      (8)   Operate mobile recruitment trailers in minority group neighborhoods;
      (9)   Use audiovisual techniques;
      (10)   Recruit on a door-to-door basis;
      (11)   Encourage minorities and women to refer their friends;
      (12)   Utilize appropriate intern, trainee, summer, part-time and cooperative education positions; and
      (13)   Provide and publicize activities which facilitate employment.   
         (1970 Code Sec. 21.1-46.3)