Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the owner/occupant or lessee/occupant of a single-family residence, or the owner of a single-family residence under construction for his or her occupancy, from planning, installing, altering, or repairing the lawn sprinkling system of such residence, provided that: a) such work shall comply with the minimum standards for plumbing contained in the Illinois state plumbing code, the requirements of this chapter and shall be subject to inspection by the village plumbing inspector; and b) such owner, owner/occupant or lessee/occupant shall not employ other than a plumber licensed pursuant to the Illinois plumbing license law to assist him or her. For purposes of this subsection, a person shall be considered an "occupant" if and only if he or she has taken possession of and is living in the premises as his or her bona fide sole and exclusive residence, or, in the case of an owner of a single- family residence under construction for his or her occupancy, he or she expects to take possession of and live in the premises as his or her bona fide, sole and exclusive residence, and he or she has a current intention to live in such premises as his or her bona fide, sole and exclusive residence for a period of not less than six (6) months after the completion of the plumbing work performed, pursuant to the authorization of this subsection, or, in the case of an owner of a single-family residence under construction for his or her occupancy, for a period of not less than six (6) months after the completion of construction of the residence. Failure to possess and live in the premises as a sole and exclusive residence for a period of six (6) months or more shall create a rebuttable presumption of a lack of such intention. (Ord. 99-572, 5-13-1999)