The following rules and regulations governing the use of conservancy areas have been adopted to further the purpose and goals of the conservancy commission, and to ensure the appropriate use of the areas for the enjoyment and general welfare of the public while protecting the areas in their natural states:
   A.   Conservancy areas are open to all, free of charge, from sunrise to sunset.
   B.   Individuals are welcome for nature study or quiet exploration. Activities which could interfere with quiet observation by other visitors are not allowed, this includes, but is not limited to: loud music or noise, fireworks, active sports such as soccer, baseball, football, etc.
   C.   Groups in excess of fifteen (15) people or events expected to attract more than fifteen (15) people must apply for a permit for use of a conservancy area from the village of South Barrington. The village of South Barrington may require a cleanup security deposit of twenty dollars ($20.00) per person prior to the issuance of a permit. Uses not in keeping of the purpose of conservancy area shall be denied.
   D.   Plants, flowers, equipment, boulders or rocks, picnic tables, waste containers, trail markers, signs, or any other parts of a conservancy area may not be collected, removed, rearranged, or damaged.
   E.   Open fires and wood or charcoal barbecues are not permitted without the prior written approval of the village of South Barrington. Gas barbecues will be permitted at any time.
   F.   Use of a conservancy area parking lot shall be restricted to use by patrons of the conservancy area only. Overnight parking is prohibited. Violators may be towed pursuant to current village ordinances and state statutes. Motorized vehicles, except for maintenance equipment or emergency vehicles, are restricted to the designated parking area and are otherwise not permitted within the conservancy area. Bicycles are restricted to the paved areas and the designated mowed trails.
   G.   Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in a conservancy area without the prior written approval of the village of South Barrington.
   H.   Swimming or wading in ponds is not permitted.
   I.   Domesticated animals are not permitted in the conservancy area.
Any person found to have been in violation of any of the terms and provisions of this section shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provisions of section 1-4-1 of this code. (Ord. 2010-917, 7-8-2010)