The conservancy commission shall have duties and powers as follows:
   A.   To prepare and recommend to the village president and board of trustees a master plan for conservancy in an effort to preserve the goals and objectives of the village. Such plan, after its adoption by the board of trustees, shall be known as the master plan for conservancy of the village. The commission may thereafter, from time to time, recommend any changes to such master plan.
   B.   To prepare and recommend to the village president and board of trustees, from time to time, plans for specific improvements in furtherance of the master plan.
   C.   To assist village officials with projects of conservancy within the village.
   D.   To implement and promote the master plan.
   E.   To exercise such other powers as granted by this chapter and as may be conferred on the conservancy commission by the village president and board of trustees.
   F.   To recommend from time to time such rules, regulations, activities, hours the conservancy area and facilities are open to the public, and such other details as required by this chapter or requested by the village president and board of trustees. (Ord. 2005-737, 4-14-2005)