A. Attached and Built-In Garages:
1. Construction same as required for the dwelling.
2. If door opening occurs between garage and dwelling, provide six inch (6") curb at the service door, or construct garage floor six inches (6") lower than adjoining floor.
3. Installation of house heating unit or other fuel burning appliance in garage space not permitted. Install partition between space containing house heating unit and garage space. Doors are not permitted common to heater room or garage.
4. Wood frame walls and doors common to dwelling and garages: Finish on garage side to be one hour fire resistive construction. Where gable-type breezeway connection is used, a one hour fire resistive bulkhead may be established in the attic space directly above and continuous from the interior one hour fire resistive garage wall. Where rooms occur over garage area, ceilings and all walls shall be of one hour fire resistive construction. Service doors common to dwelling are to be one hour fire resistive. One and three-fourths inches (13/4") solid wood will be considered in lieu of a rated door.
B. One Story Detached Garages and Accessory Buildings: Comply with construction requirements for one story dwellings with the following exceptions:
1. Footings, minimum six inches (6") deep and sixteen inches (16") wide not less than eighteen inches (18") below finish grade.
2. Foundation wall, minimum eight inches (8") of poured concrete or solid masonry.
3. Grade beam construction permitted consisting of a four inch (4") concrete floor on minimum four inches (4") of crushed stone or gravel poured monolithically with a minimum ten inch (10") thickened outer edge a width of twenty inches (20") around perimeter of building; said twenty inch (20") grade beam to be of equal depth and on undisturbed soil.
4. Studs, maximum spacing twenty four inches (24") on center. Doubling of studs not required on jambs of openings less than three feet five inches (3'5") wide.
5. Wall sheathing and building paper may be omitted if corner bracing is used. Each corner is to be braced from top outward in two (2) directions to a minimum of seventy two inches (72") from corner at sill plate, and may be applied on the inside surface of studs, minimum one inch (1") by four inches (4").
6. Corner post may be two (2) two by fours (2x4) or one four by four (4x4).
7. Top plate may be single, provided rafters occur directly over studs and plate at corners is lapped to provide tie.
8. Rafter ties at eaves not less than two by fours (2x4), maximum spacing, six feet (6') on center.
9. Flooring may be gravel if foundation is in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 above. If concrete, minimum four inches (4") on minimum four inches (4") of crushed stone or gravel. (Ord. 0-71-12, 3-11-71)