See subsection 8-1A-3-8H of this Article.
A. Wood Siding:
1. Use well-seasoned material.
2. Nail at each bearing with hot-dipped galvanized or cement- coated nails.
3. Bevel Siding:
a. Finish dimensions to comply with the following limitations as to minimum top and butt thickness:
Nominal width (in.)
Thickness at top (in.)
Thickness at butt (in.)
4, 6 and 8 | 3/16 | 7/16 |
10 and 12 | 3/16 | 9/16 |
b. Minimum Headlap: One inch (1") for four inch (4") width; one and one-fourth inches (11/4") for widths over four inches (4").
c. Nail near butt only. Do not nail through board underneath.
4. Rustic and Drop Siding: Minimum thickness, three-fourths inch (3/4") (finished); maximum width, eight inches (8") (nominal).
5. Shiplap or Matched Siding:
a. Minimum thickness, 25/32 inch (finished); maximum width, twelve inches (12") (nominal.
b. Triple-nail all boards over eight inches (8") in width.
c. When boards are applied vertically, set edges in white lead.
B. Wood Shingle Siding:
1. Shingle Grades:
a. Single course siding, No. 1 or No. 2.
b. Double course siding, No. 1 for exposed shingles; under course may be No. 1 or No. 2.
2. Minimum Size:
Length (inches)
16 | 5 Butts in 2 inches |
18 | 5 Butts in 21/4 inches |
24 | 4 Butts in 2 inches |
3. Maximum Exposure:
Shingle Length In.
| Single Course Exposure - In.
| Double Course Exposure - In.
16 | 71/2 | 12 |
18 | 81/2 | 14 |
24 | 11 | 16 |
4. Nailing:
a. Nails: Noncorrodible.
b. Butt nail double coursing: Exposed nails may be small- headed.
C. Asbestos-Cement Siding and Shingles: See subsection 8-1A-3-8H3b of this Article.
1. Material: See SS-S-291c.
2. Apply clapboards and shingles in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
3. Nails: Noncorrodible.
D. Plywood:
1. Approved grade mark, for exterior use, on each sheet of plywood.
2. Plywood, three-eighths inch (3/8") thick, may be used on sheathed walls.
3. Installation:
a. Protect edges prior to erection with paint, mixed one hundred (100) pounds white lead paste, one and three-fourths (13/4) gallons raw linseed oil and one pint dryer, applied without thinning.
b. Vertical joints: To occur over studs.
c. Horizontal joints: Install solid blocking between studding for nailing.
d. Butt joints of square-edge material, whether exposed or covered by battens, fill with mastic.
e. Corner boards: Apply over plywood or butt plywood against boards at all corners.
f. Nails: Cement-coated or hot-dipped galvanized, flat head. Minimum spacing; on edge, six inches (6"); on center, at intermediate bearings, twelve inches (12") on center.
E. Stucco: See subsections F9 and H1d of this Section.
1. Lath for stucco. See FS-QQ-B-101c Wood lath not acceptable.
a. Expandable metal lath, painted; with large openings. One and eight-tenths (18/10) pounds per square yard.
b. Nails: Electrolytic zinc-coated furring nails.
c. Metal lath, held at least one-fourth inch (1/4") away from sheathing by furring nails. Furring strips and self-furring lath not permitted.
2. Stucco:
a. Materials. See Section 8-1A-3-4 hereof.
b. Mixture: One part Portland cement, three (3) parts sand, and hydrated lime equal to ten percent (10%) of cement by volume; or prepared Portland cement stucco used in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
c. Thickness: Three (3) coat work, one inch (1") total; two (2) coat work, five-eighths inch (5/8") total.
d. Application:
(1) Three (3) coat work, over wood frame.
(2) Two (2) coat work, over masonry surfaces.
(3) Finish coat may be trowel coat of prepared exterior Portland cement stucco.
(4) Thoroughly cover and embed lath in stucco.
(5) Keep wet two (2) days after application of each coat.
(6) Drying time before application of finished coat, seven (7) days.
(7) Stucco not to be applied when temperature is lower than forty degrees (40°) Fahrenheit.
F. Hardboard
1. Material.
2. Grade: Tempered, exterior shall be of a type specially manufactured for siding purposes.
3. Hardboard one-fourth inch (1/4") or five-sixteenths inch (5/16") in thickness may be used over sheethed walls.
4. Application: Hardboard siding shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, provided they are not in conflict with these regulations. (Ord. 0-71-12, 3-11-71)
G. Aluminum Siding: Provided that such exterior wall finish may only be applied to those stories of a building above the first story, the floor of which is on ground level.
1. 024 rigid insulation backing.
2. Double four (4) or double five (5) panel only.
3. Textured aluminum siding only.
4. Installation per manufacturer's recommendations. (Ord. 0-85-233, 10-10-85)