A.   Walls and piers:
      1.   Extend to solid ground. Do not place footing on filled ground.
Exception: When in compliance with applicable village ordinances, footings may be placed on filled soil of an appropriate composition and compacted to a minimum of ninety five percent (95%), as measured by the ASTM D 1557 (modified) laboratory procedure.
      2.   Bottom of footings, not less than three feet six inches (3'6") below finished grade, except where placed on solid rock.
      3.   Protect against freezing. No concrete shall be placed on frozen ground.
   B.   Crawl spaces:
      1.   Ground level under the dwelling shall be at least thirty six inches (36") below bottom of floor joists and girders. Ground under dwelling shall be approximately level. (Ord. 2006-779, 6-8-2006)
      2.   Remove all debris, sod, tree stumps and other organic matter within area occupied by dwelling. (Ord. 0-71-12, 3-11-71)