A.   Access:
      1.   Living Units: Each living unit shall be provided with two (2) means of access without passing through any other living unit, unless of fire resistive construction.
      2.   Attics: Provide access to attics by means of scuttles, disappearing or built-in stairways.
      3.   Crawlspaces: Provide access from outside not less than thirty inches (30") wide and forty inches (40") high. Areaway to equal area of access.
      4.   Basements: Provide direct access to outside by a door, or a window having an openable area at least two feet (2') wide and thirty inches (30") high, stool not more than three feet (3') above floor. A basement stairway leading to a breezeway or a garage on grade may be considered an outside entrance to a basement.
   B.   Privacy:
      1.   Bedrooms:
         a.   Each bedroom to have access to a bathroom without passing through another bedroom.
         b.   Each habitable room to have access to each other habitable room without passing through a bedroom.
      2.   Nonacceptable Bathroom Arrangements:
         a.   Sole bathroom opening directly into a kitchen.
         b.   Bathroom providing sole access to any other room.
         c.   Bathroom in the basement as the only one serving a living unit. (Ord. 0-71-12, 3-11-71)