4-6-9-4: PLANTING:
   A.   The Village shall plant and maintain a healthy diverse urban forest to improve the natural resources and quality of life for the residents living within the Village.
   B.   The Village shall plant diverse species with the ratio of not more than 15% of any one family, 10% of any one genus or 5% of any one species. Diverse species composition protects the Village from catastrophic loss.
   C.   All trees planted by the Village or their agent shall be planted consistent with the most current edition of American National Standards Institute (ANSI A300).
      (https://www.tcia.org/TCIA/TCIA/Build_Your_Business/A300_Standards/A300_ Standards.aspx)
   D.   Trees purchased by the Village shall be of a quality consistent with the most current American Standards for Nursery Stock as approved by the most current American National Standards Institute (ANSI Z60.1).
      (https://www.tcia.org/TCIA/TCIA/Build_Your_Business/A300_Standards/A300_ Standards.aspx)
   E.   It shall be unlawful to plant any tree or shrub in the public right-of-way, or on other publicly owned property or Conservation or Preservation Area, without prior written approval from the Village and, in the instance of the Conservation or Preservation Area, the language on the recorded plat shall prevail.
   F.   It shall be unlawful to plant any tree under utility wires that is anticipated to grow to a height that will interfere with the wires.
   G.   The Village shall consider implementation of a contract growing program. This contract will allow for stable pricing and broader species diversity to improve the overall diversity of the urban forest. This contract may be for a period of five (5) -ten (10) years.
   H.   The Village should provide education and outreach to private landowners on the need for species and age diversity, proper selection and planting practices, and how to select species for particular sites. (Ord. 2023-1365, 5-10-2023)