(a)   The Chief of the Fire Department shall exercise control over the entire Department; shall see that proper order and discipline are maintained and observed by the officers and fire fighters; shall make all reports concerning fires required by law and/or the Village; and, shall, when practicable, attend all fires, take charge and control of those in service. The Chief may pass Standard Operating Procedures and such rules and regulations as the Chief deems necessary for the Department, and may from time to time amend such. The Chief is the Fire Marshal for the Village and engaged in activities for fire prevention.
   (b)   The Assistant Chief of the Fire Department shall assume the duties of the Chief in the absence of the Chief, and otherwise assist the Chief in the performance of the Chief’s duties. The Assistant Chief shall also assist the Chief in all activities pertaining to fire prevention.
   (c)   Unless the Chief deems otherwise, the Captain shall assist the Chief in activities for fire prevention and as Fire Marshal.
   (d)   The chain of command shall be Chief, Assistant Chief, Captain, Lieutenant with the longest service record in rank, Engineer with the longest service record in rank, and fire fighter present with the longest service record.
   (e)   It shall be the duty of each fire fighter to respond to calls/alarms immediately; follow the Standard Operating procedure; be in good behavior; not be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs of abuse; not refusing to obey orders; willful absence from calls; removing or destroying Fire Department property; disrespect toward commanding officers; malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, or refusal to comply with rules and regulations.
(Ord. 1401-12. Passed 6-25-12.)