Fences, including walls and hedges, shall be permitted in all zoning districts in the Village, subject to the following conditions:
(a) Where otherwise permitted, fences may be built along a property line. Fences shall not be located within two feet of a street or alley right-of-way line;
(b) The height of any fence shall be measured from the ground to the highest point of the fence, from a point six inches on either side of the fence. Fences shall follow the contour of the ground as far as possible;
(c) No fence exceeding three feet in height shall be built in any front yard. The front yard shall be the entire area between the front building line and the street right-of- way line;
(d) In any district in the Village, a fence in a side or rear yard shall not exceed six feet in height, except as otherwise permitted;
(e) No fence exceeding three feet in height shall be built within thirty feet from any street right-of-way;
(f) No fence shall be entirely constructed of barbed wire, be in any way electrified, or be topped with broken glass, spikes or other sharp-edged materials. In residential districts, barbed wire or other material which could readily cause bodily harm shall not be used for fencing in any way;
(g) In heavy industrial districts, a commercial fence may be topped with barbed wire at a forty-five degree (45o) angle, angling away from any adjoining property, sidewalk, or right-of-way line. The height of the topmost strand of wire shall not exceed eight feet in a heavy industrial district;
(h) No fence, including walls or hedges, shall be permitted which impedes the proper sight distance for the safe operation of motor vehicles. When a hedge is used as a fence, it shall be properly trimmed and maintained so not to endanger any person or anima or impede visibility of traffic;
(i) When a solid fence is erected which affects water draining, outlets shall be placed at the bottom of the fence to eliminate possible accumulation of water or other adverse effects;
(j) All fenced enclosures shall be provided with gates to permit entry by safety forces. Gates shall be not less than three feet in width. No gate of a fence shall swing over the public right of way.
(Ord. 1600-18. Passed 11-12-18.)