(a)   Contents of Preliminary Development Plan Application. The Preliminary Development Plan shall include the maps, plans and supplementary documentation itemized below. The applicant shall submit the number of copies as determined by the Administrative Officer. The information submitted should include the following:
      (1)   Completed application form along with the application fee.
      (2)   Vicinity map showing the relationship of proposed PDD to existing development.
      (3)   Legal description or a listing of the permanent parcel numbers.
      (4)   Map of existing conditions   and features drawn to scale, with accurate boundaries of the entire project and a north arrow, including:
         A.   Boundaries of the area proposed for development, dimensions and total acreage;
         B.   Existing public rights of way, buildings, permanent facilities, access points and easements on and adjacent to, the site;
         C.   Identification of any existing buildings or structures to be removed or demolished;
         D.   Existing zoning district boundaries and jurisdictional boundaries;
         E.   Existing utility systems and providers;
         F.   The location of existing topography showing contour lines and identifying any areas with slopes over 5%;
         G.   Locations of all wooded areas, tree lines, hedgerows;
         H.   Delineation of existing drainage patterns on the property; and
         I.   Location of wetlands (and potential wetlands) the 100-year floodplain, floodway boundary, 20-foot buffer area beyond the floodway.
      (5)   The Preliminary Development Plan Map shall include a plan for the entire area of the proposed project and shall be drawn to an appropriate scale with accurate boundaries of the entire project including a north arrow. The applicant shall submit the number of copies as determined by the Administrative Officer. The information submitted shall indicate:
         A.   The proposed location, use and size of areas of residential, retail, office, institutional uses, community facilities, parks, playgrounds, school sites and other public areas, and open spaces with the suggested ownership and maintenance provisions of such areas, and their related parking areas, and access points;
         B.   The general layout of the proposed internal road system, general indication of private streets and pedestrian circulation, bike paths and other trail systems, access drive locations, improvements to existing streets and traffic control requirements;
         C.   Any proposed off-site improvements and/or utility lines/extensions needed to serve the site;
         D.   Natural areas and other natural features to be conserved and any required buffer areas;
         E.   Natural features to be altered or impacted by the development and areas where new landscaping will be installed, etc.; and
         F.   A summary table showing total acres of the proposed development; the number of acres devoted to each type of use, including streets and common areas; the number of dwelling units by type and density for each residential use area, the building height(s); and square footage as proposed for retail, office, institutional uses, by use area, and the number of parking spaces provided for each use area.
      (6)   Prototypical architectural drawings   demonstrating the prototypical designs of the proposed buildings, to demonstrate exterior design, character and general elements.
      (7)   Project phasing map . A phasing plan and schedule identifying the separate phases of the project, including utilities and any off-site improvements. Such schedule shall include the proposed use or reuse of existing features such as topography, structures, streets, easements and natural areas.
      (8)   Proposed utilities including the proposed provision of water, sanitary sewer and surface drainage facilities.
      (9)   Traffic study indicating the impact of future traffic on the existing and proposed roadway system.
      (10)   Development standards text. The development standards text identifying the requirements that are to govern the design and layout of the PDD that are not included on the Development Plan.
         A.   A description of all dimensions and/or acreage illustrated in the Development Plan or of provisions that depart from applicable standards shall be included.
         B.   Adequate provision shall be made to establish a private organization (i.e., management association) with direct responsibility to provide for the operation and maintenance of all common facilities.
   However, to the extent that the above items are not submitted with the Preliminary Development Plan, the Preliminary Development Plan may, however, be approved by the Village with the conditions that state compliance with the item not submitted will be satisfactorily addressed at the time of Final Development Plan approval. Alternatively, the approval may specify the limits of development that may occur prior to full compliance with the item that has not been submitted and/or fully addressed in the Preliminary Development Plan.
   (b)   Contents of Final Development Plan Application.
      (1)   Completed application form along with the application fee.
      (2)   Vicinity map showing the relationship of the area of the Final Development Plan to the entire Planned Development Overlay District.
      (3)   Subdivision plat. A Final Plat shall be submitted in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Village Zoning Regulations, if the proposed development includes the subdivision of land.
      (4)   Final Development Plan Map prepared by a qualified professional such as a licensed architect, surveyor, engineer, or landscape architect, and drawn to an appropriate scale indicating the following items:
         A.   A bar scale, north arrow, and total acreage of the area that is the subject of the Final Development Plan, and accurate location of all monuments;
         B.   The right-of-way lines of adjoining streets and alleys with their width and names, and indicating the edge of pavement and centerline;
         C.   All lot lines and easements with their dimensions;
         D.   The dimensions and locations of proposed structures, buildings, streets, parking areas, yard, playgrounds, school sites and other public or private facilities;
         E.   Location and height of existing and proposed structures including fences, walls, signs and lighting;
         F.   Location and layout of all proposed and existing outdoor storage areas including storage of waste materials and location of trash receptacles;
         G.   Sanitary sewers, water and other utilities including fire hydrants, as required, and proposed drainage and storm water management;
         H.   Delineation and identification of areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use; and
         I.   Summary table showing total acres of the proposed development, the number of acres devoted to each type of use including streets and open space, and the number of proposed dwelling units by type, building square footage, number of parking spaces, pavement coverage, impervious surface area and acreage devoted to open space, private streets, and other public facilities; and proposed density by use area and overall.
      (5)   Proposed utilities. Verification of availability of all utilities, including water, sanitary sewer, gas, electric, cable, etc., and indication of all utility line extensions.
      (6)   Additional plans for the proposed development.
         A.   Topographic maps showing existing and proposed grading contours, watercourses, wetlands and flood plains and other flood hazard boundaries and information;
         B.   Landscaping and screening plans;
         C.   A lighting plan, including, but not limited to, light pole heights and locations, building accent lighting, pedestrian lighting, average foot- candle calculations, minimum foot-candles and maximum foot- candles;
         D.   A dimensioned sign plan indicating the character, material, dimensions, location, shape, color(s) and type of illumination of signs; and
         E.   Architectural plans and prototypes for the proposed development, showing all exterior elevations and building floor plans, colors, materials, and other details to indicate the type of architectural style proposed for the development demonstrating consistency with the Preliminary Development Plan.
      (7)   Covenants, easements and restrictions. The substance of covenants, grants of easements, or other restrictions that will be imposed upon the use of the land, buildings, and structures, including proposed easement or grants for public utilities.
      (8)   Modifications. A statement identifying any aspect of the Final Development Plan in which the applicant is requesting a modification from the Preliminary Development Plan.
         (Ord. 1192. Passed 5-9-05.)