In a “B-1" District the following uses shall be classed as conditionally permitted uses and may be permitted by the Board of Zoning Appeals subject however to the following conditions as set forth and the general conditions as set forth in Chapter 1169 - Board of Appeals.
(a) Residential Use. Residential use, single family or multiple family, provided that the building was built prior to June 7, 1971.
(b) Automobile Repair Garages. General Conditions for Automobile Repair Garages (public garage):
(1) When such use abuts a lot in any residential district, a three (3) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence shall be maintained from the street right-of-way line to the building line. Whereupon a six (6) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence from the building lot line along the remainder of the property lines shall be maintained. In addition a row of shrubs or trees shall be incorporated which will attain a height of three (3) feet from the street right-of-way line to the building line and six (6) feet along the remainder of the property lines.
(2) Building used for such purposes shall not be nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from any R District.
(3) Automobile, truck and trailer repairs shall be conducted completely within an enclosed building.
(4) No more than two (2) driveway openings shall be permitted directly from any major thoroughfare nor more than one (1) driveway opening from any minor street, each of which shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in width at the intersection of the property line and the street right-of-way line; no part of any access way shall be nearer than one hundred (100) feet to the intersection of any two (2) street right-of-way lines, nor shall any such part be nearer than fifty (50) feet to any side or rear property line.
(5) One (1) off-street parking space for each employee shall be provided in addition to one (1) space for each 250 square feet of floor space to accommodate loading and unloading of materials, customer parking and storage of vehicles repaired and to be repaired.
(6) No overnight or weekend outside storage of trucks or trailers shall be permitted on the premises and no partially dismantled or junked vehicles shall be stored outside the buildings on the premises.
(7) The area of all permanent advertising signs on a building or parcel may have an area equivalent to one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of width of a building or part of a building but shall not exceed a maximum area of one hundred (100) square feet.
(c) Service Stations. General Conditions for Gasoline Service Stations:
(1) Site - a minimum of three quarters (3/4) of an acre (for a station having four pumps and two service bays).
(2) Yard requirements as follows:
A. Frontage - minimum frontage on the primary street of one hundred (100) feet.
B. Building Setback - a required minimum setback of sixty (60) feet from all street right-of-way lines.
C. Rear Yard - a required minimum of seventy-five (75) feet where the use abuts a residential area or thirty-five (35) feet abutting a non- residential area.
D. Side Yard - a required minimum of seventy-five (75) feet where the use abuts a residential area and thirty-five (35) feet where the use abuts a non-residential area.
E. Lot Coverage - a maximum of 20% shall be permitted.
(3) Driveways.
A. Maximum width of curb openings for stations should not be more than thirty-five (35) feet or less than twenty (20) feet.
B. No driveway or curb cut for a driveway shall be located within ten (10) feet of any adjoining property line or within twenty (20) feet of an exterior (corner) lot line as extended.
C. Any two driveways giving access to a single street shall be separated by a buffer strip with a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet from the right-of-way line.
D. The angle of intersection of the center line of the driveway with the center line of the street shall not be less than 60 degrees.
(4) Landscaping. Any unpaved area of the site shall be landscaped or maintained in a dust free condition and separated from the paved areas by a curb or other barrier.
When such use abuts a lot in any residential district, a three (3) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence shall be maintained from the street right-of-way line to the building line. Whereupon a six (6) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence from the building lot line along the remainder of the property lines shall be maintained. In addition a row of shrubs or trees shall be incorporated which will attain a height of three (3) feet from the street right-of-way line to the building line and six (6) feet along the remainder of the property lines.
(5) Parking. There shall be a parking space for each employee (with a minimum of two employee spaces) plus one space for each service bay, plus one space for restroom provided.
(6) Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be shielded from adjacent properties to prevent possible glare.
(7) Signs.
A. The area of all permanent advertising signs shall be limited according to the widths of the building or part of building occupied by such enterprise.
B. The area of all permanent advertising signs may not exceed one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of width of a building or part of building, but shall not exceed a maximum area of one hundred (100) square feet.
C. Free standing signs shall be permitted if they do not exceed the district height requirements, have no more than a total sign area of one hundred (100) square feet and are located not closer than either twenty (20) feet or the height of the sign, whichever is greater, to any street or adjoining lot line.
D. Pole signs of symbolical design shall be permitted for automobile service stations, provided:
1. No part of such sign shall project into the right-of-way of any street or highway.
2. The support of such sign shall be set back at least twenty (20) feet from any public right-of-way.
3. The maximum area of any face of such sign shall not exceed forty (40) square feet.
4. The pole support of the sign shall not be less than fifty (50) feet from any lot in any “R” District.
E. The height of the lowest member of any sign which is not integral with a wall surface shall be not less than ten (10) feet above a sidewalk or other pedestrian way.
F. All sign and advertising structures may be illuminated internally or by reflected light provided it is a continuous source of light and the source of light is not visible and it is so arranged to reflect away from the adjoining premises and provided that such illumination shall not be placed as to cause confusion or a hazard to traffic or conflict with traffic control signs or lights.
(8) Service equipment.
A. Gasoline pump islands, compressed air connections and other equipment shall be set back a minimum of 30 feet from any right-of- way line.
B. Hydraulic hoists, pits and all lubrication, washing and repair equipment shall be enclosed entirely within a building.
(d) Lodge Halls, Clubs and Other Incidental Buildings for the Purpose of Assembly. General Conditions for Lodge Halls, Clubs and Other Incidental Buildings for the Purpose of Assembly:
(1) All structures, except utility poles and meters and activity areas shall be located at least fifty (50) feet from any R District.
(2) All points of ingress and egress shall be located no closer than one hundred (100) feet from an intersection.
(3) One sign shall be permitted with a surface area not exceeding twelve (12) square feet which serves to identify the use on the premises and is subject of other requirements as set forth in subsection (b)(7).
(4) There shall be one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area or one space for each four (4) seats at maximum seating capacity whichever is greater.
(5) All exterior lighting shall be shielded from adjoining properties.
(e) New and Used Automobile and Farm Implement Sales.
(1) All operations other than display and sales shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building.
(2) Building used for repair, washing operations and display shall not be nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from any R District.
(3) When such use abuts a lot in any residential district, a three (3) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence shall be maintained from the street right-of-way line to the building line. Whereupon a six (6) foot solid wall, chain link fence, or painted board fence from the building lot line along the remainder of the property lines shall be maintained. In addition a row of shrubs or trees shall be incorporated which will attain a height of three (3) feet from the street right-of-way line to the building line and six (6) feet along the remainder of the property lines.
(4) All unpaved areas shall be landscaped with grass or other plant material as approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(5) Exterior lighting shall be shielded from adjacent properties to prevent possible glare.
(6) The area of all permanent advertising signs may have an area equivalent to one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of width of a building, but shall not exceed a maximum area of one hundred (100) square feet.
(7) Free standing signs shall be permitted if they do not exceed the district height requirements, have no more than a total sign area of one hundred (100) square feet and are located no closer than either twenty (20) feet or the height of the sign, whichever is greater, to any street or adjoining lot line.
(8) The height of the lowest member of any sign which is not attached to or a part of a wall surface shall be not less than ten (10) feet above a sidewalk or other pedestrian way.
(9) All signs and advertising structures may be illuminated internally or by reflected light provided it is a continuous source of light and the source of light is not visible and it is so arranged to reflect away from the adjoining premises and provided that such illumination shall not be placed as to cause confusion or a hazard to traffic or conflict with traffic control signs or lights.
(10) One (1) parking space for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor area of sales room and one (1) additional parking space for each service stall in the service room.
(Ord. 1450-13. Passed 12-6-13.)