(A)   All buildings. structures and premises intended for human habitation, occupancy, use for employment; or the preparation or processing of food, drinks or other materials for human consumption shall be provided with an adequate, safe and potable water supply through a safe system of piping to all fixtures, appliances, appurtenances and the like.
   (B)   All independent buildings, structures and premises connected to the city’s wastewater collection system must also be serviced by an approved metered connection to the city’s water distribution system.
   (C)   (1)   Non-potable water shall not be supplied to any fixture customarily classified a “plumbing fixture” and may only be used to supply industrial equipment or other appliances which do not require a potable supply of water and provided the non-potable water shall not be accessible for drinking, culinary or bathing purposes.
      (2)   (a)   All piping and outlets conveying non-potable water shall be adequately and durably identified by a distinctive yellow-colored paint so that it is readily distinguished from piping carrying potable water.
         (b)   Where non-potable water is used, all valves, branch fittings and branch terminals shall be identified by the words “non-potable water”. The identification shall not be concealed by pipe insulation and when insulated the insulation shall be painted the same color as is required for the pipe. Maintenance of all identification shall be the responsibility of the owner.
(Ord. passed 8-17-1993)