(a)   In December of each odd-numbered year following the regular municipal election for municipal officers, the Mayor shall appoint one of the members of Council as Vice-Mayor and one of the members of Council as alternate Vice-Mayor who shall serve, respectively, as Vice-Mayor and alternate Vice-Mayor for a term of two years beginning on the first day of December of each year following each regular municipal election for municipal officers. If the Vice-Mayor or the alternate ceases to be a Councilperson, resigns or is removed from the position by the affirmative vote of six members of the Council, the Mayor shall appoint one of the remaining members of Council to the position of Vice-Mayor or alternate Vice-Mayor to serve for the balance of the term. The Vice-Mayor shall preside at all Council meetings.
   (b)   The Vice-Mayor, during any period when the Mayor shall be absent or unavailable or unable for any cause to perform his duties, shall be the Acting Mayor and shall also continue as Councilperson with all the powers and duties of a Councilperson.
   (c)   In the event of a vacancy in the office of Mayor, the Vice-Mayor shall thereupon become Acting Mayor and shall hold office and serve for the unexpired term of the Mayor or until the beginning of the term of a successor duly elected and qualified for the expired term. The successor can be elected either at the next regular municipal election for municipal officers provided such vacancy occurred more than 90 days prior to such election or at a special municipal election as set forth herein. The Vice-Mayor shall also continue as Councilperson with all the powers and duties of a Councilperson. If the Vice-Mayor refuses to serve as Acting Mayor or if the Office of Vice-Mayor is vacant, the Alternate Vice-Mayor shall become Acting Mayor as specified above. If both the Vice-Mayor and the Alternate Vice-Mayor refuse to serve as Acting Mayor or if both offices are vacant, the Council shall convene within ten days and appoint an individual who meets all of the qualifications contained in Article V, Section 2, of the Charter, to serve as Acting Mayor until his successor is duly elected and qualified pursuant to this Section 6 of Article V.
   (d)   In the event that the Vice-Mayor succeeds the Mayor hereunder, during the period of such succession, the Councilperson so filling the office of the Mayor shall be exempt from the full-time requirement as set out in Article V, Section 2, of this Charter, but in no event shall the waiver contained herein last past the balance of the unexpired term. Council shall establish a salary for the position of Mayor for the balance of the unexpired term based upon the time the succeeding Mayor is able to devote to the position.
   (e)   A special municipal election to fill the vacancy in the office of Mayor shall be held on the first date authorized for a special election by the Board of Elections of Cuyahoga County occurring after 60 days from the date on which said vacancy occurs. The person so elected at said special municipal election shall assume the office of Mayor immediately upon certification by the Board of Elections of Cuyahoga County that such person was elected and such person has qualification and such person shall serve the unexpired term of Mayor to which he is elected.
   (f)   The name of any qualified candidate for the office of Mayor for which the special election is to be held shall be printed upon the ballot for such election when a petition conforming to the requirements of the general laws of the State of Ohio is filed with the Board of Elections of Cuyahoga County at least 40 days prior to the date of the special municipal election.
   (g)   Within five days after the occurrence of the vacancy, Council shall convene and officially cause written notice to be immediately delivered to the Board of Elections of Cuyahoga County advising such Board of Elections of the existence of the vacancy and the need for a special municipal election to be held pursuant to the provisions of this section.
   (h)   The candidate receiving the largest number of votes for the office of Mayor at the special municipal election shall be declared elected to such office.
   (i)   In the event of a tie, the Election authorities shall determine by lot which of said candidates shall be elected.
(Approved by voters 11-8-1988; 11-7-1995; 11-7-2000)