No person shall lease, let or permit the use of any land owned by him or her or under his or her control for money or any other valuable consideration, for any picnic, athletic game or entertainment, nor shall any person conduct or participate in any picnic, athletic game or entertainment on any land so leased, let or used under permit, unless the land is provided with all of the following facilities:
   (a)   A supply of drinking water, consisting either of a connection to a main supplied with water by the City of Cleveland Division of Water, or a well conforming to the regulations established by the Cuyahoga County District Board of Health. A certificate from such Board, issued not more than 90 days prior to the holding of any picnic, athletic game or entertainment, shall be prima-facie evidence of the well’s satisfying the requirements of this division (a);
   (b)   A separate privy for each sex, each privy to be equipped either with a watertight vault or a septic tank, complying in either case with the above-mentioned regulations. A certificate from the Board, issued not more than 90 days prior to the holding of any picnic, athletic game or entertainment, shall be prima-facie evidence of the privy’s satisfying the requirements of this division (b);
   (c)   Watertight containers for garbage, into which all garbage shall be placed and which shall be emptied not more than 24 hours after any such picnic, game or entertainment; and
   (d)   Containers for refuse, into which all refuse other than garbage shall be placed, and which shall be emptied or burned not more than 24 hours after any such picnic, game or entertainment.
(Ord. 1942-12, passed 4-20-1942)