A. Scale; Copies: Two (2) prints of a site development plan shall be submitted to the Town Engineer for review. Site plans shall be drawn at a scale approximate to show all required information on a sheet or sheets of twenty four by thirty six inch (24 x 36") proportions. Ten (10) copies of all other plans or support documents required by this Chapter shall also be submitted.
B. Information Required: The site plan shall contain the following information:
1. Location sketch with adjacent land uses.
2. Topography, contour lines for existing and proposed elevations at one foot (1') intervals.
3. Natural drainage and proposed stream flow by directional arrows. If applicable, show that finished flow level is above the 100-year flood area.
4. Legal description of the site to include total area of the site.
5. Location of all existing and proposed structures, including distances from all structures to all lot lines.
6. Percentage of lot covered by impervious surfaces.
7. Percentage of the site covered by any and all structures.
8. Right-of-way dimensions of all abutting streets whether public or private and access to the site.
9. Parking and circulation areas.
10. Locations, dimensions and description of all existing or proposed easements.
11. Location for any nonvehicular access strips.
12. The future land use designation for the site.
13. Exterior lighting, if any; the type, height and areas of illumination.
14. Outdoor play areas, if any.
15. Service areas for uses such as mail delivery and trash disposal.
16. All existing and proposed utility locations.
17. The location of the nearest fire hydrant.
18. Streets or alley right of ways to be dedicated.
19. The height of all buildings.
C. Supporting Documents: The following documents shall be included with the site plan:
1. Landscape Plan: For any project, the Town Engineer may require a separate submittal of this plan drawn to scale, indicating the following information:
a. Identify all walks or paths, vehicular drives, parking lots, building entrances, freestanding light fixtures, service or loading areas, signs and locations, open spaces, plazas and recreation amenities with general construction materials noted.
b. All slopes within site are to be called out (i.e., 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, etc.). If site is totally on slopes less than 50:1, state in a general note. All depressed and mounted areas shall be identified with general contour lines and/or proposed elevations. Note any area to be used for detention.
c. A legend shall be included which shows symbols on plan, quantity, type of plant, minimum purchase size and any necessary comments such as ground cover spacing or necessary guying and staking. The legend shall also reflect square footage of each type of ground treatment (i.e., bluegrass, cobble, alternative grass mix, bark chips).
Note: Plants should be shown at mature size on plans.
2. Parking Plan: A parking plan, drawn to scale, shall be submitted. The Town Engineer may require a separate submittal for this plan based on the scale of the project. The plan shall show all those elements necessary to indicate that the requirements are being fulfilled and shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Delineation of all parking spaces;
b. Circulation necessary to serve spaces;
c. Access to streets, alleys and properties to be served;
d. Curb cuts;
e. Type of landscaping, fencing or other screening materials;
f. Abutting land uses;
g. Grading, drainage, surfacing and subgrading details;
h. Location of lighting fixtures;
i. Delineations of all structures and obstacles to circulation on the site; and
j. Specifications of signs and bumper guards.
3. Building Drawings: Drawings of all proposed buildings shall be submitted to the Town Engineer. Drawings shall comply with the provisions of the latest Uniform Building Code.
4. Soil Engineering Report: If required by the Town Engineer, a soil engineering report prepared by a registered engineer shall be submitted. The report shall include data regarding the nature, distribution and strength of existing soils; conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures and design criteria for corrective measures when necessary; and opinions and recommendations covering adequacy of the site to be developed by the proposed grading. The soil engineering report will include suggestions concerning erosion control on the project site during construction as well as upon completion.
5. Site Hydrology Report: If required by the Town Engineer, a site hydrology report shall be prepared and shall include the following:
a. A map and calculations showing the drainage area and estimated runoff of the area being served by any drainage facility within the proposed grading and drainage plan;
b. Indication of the undeveloped peak discharged of surface water currently entering and leaving the subject property due to the 10-year design storm, adjusted to the subject drainage basin;
c. Indication of developed peak discharge of runoff which will be generated due to the design storm within the subject property;
d. Determination of the developed peak discharge of water that will be generated by the design storm at various sub-basins on the subject property; and
e. A discussion of the drainage management facilities and/or techniques which may be necessary to rectify drainage problems.
6. Traffic-Control Devices And Street Lighting:
a. Whenever, as the result of additional traffic generated by a proposed development, the Town determines the need for a traffic signal or regulatory sign, the developer shall be responsible for installing all said devices and signs.
b. For all public streets adjacent to the site, the developer shall be responsible to provide any additional street lights required to ensure an acceptable level of lighting.
7. Proof Of Ownership; Proof Of Agency:
a. The information required to establish proof of ownership shall consist of a copy of a title report issued not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of submittal of the site plan to the Town Engineer. The report shall be issued by a title company authorized to conduct business in the State.
b. If the land is owned by a corporation, proof of agency shall consist of a corporate resolution designating an individual to act as agent. The corporate resolution must be certified by the secretary of the corporation and authenticated by the corporate seal or acknowledged in the form prescribed by Arizona Revised Statutes, section 33-506.2.
c. If the land is owned by a partnership, proof of agency shall consist of a written document from the partners designating an individual to act as agent. The document must be certified and acknowledged in the form prescribed by Arizona Revised Statutes, section 33-506.3.
d. If the land is owned by an individual, proof of agency shall consist of a written document from the owner designating an individual to act as agent. The document must be certified and acknowledged in the form prescribed by Arizona Revised Statutes, section 33-506.1.
8. Development Schedule:
a. The developer shall submit a development schedule, indicating, to the best of the developer's knowledge, the approximate date upon which construction or development of the project will begin, progressive stages of development, if any, anticipated rate of development and completion date.
b. For any development proposed to be constructed in phases, the developer shall submit a master plan for the entire project which must be approved before any submittal of the project can be approved or constructed. (Ord. 108, 3-8-1994)