The curfew set forth in Section 5-4-1 of this Chapter does not apply to:
   A.   Legally Emancipated Minors: Legally emancipated minors, whether the emancipation be through marriage, military service or other legally sufficient grounds.
   B.   Accompanied By Parent Or Guardian: Minors who are accompanied by their parent, guardian or other person having the legal care and custody of the minor.
   C.   Specific Functions: Minors who could otherwise be in violation of the terms of this Chapter when:
      1.   Their presence is reasonably required in the pursuit of a lawful occupation, business or profession in which the minor is engaged; with the permission of a parent, guardian, or other person having the legal care and custody of the minor; or
      2.   The minor is on an emergency errand, medical or otherwise; or
      3.   The minor is going to, attending or coming from a place or function sponsored by or related to school, church, civic, or other nonprofit organization. These functions shall include, but are not necessarily limited to: classes, services, meetings, dances, dramatic or musical performances, sporting events, or other social events sponsored by school, religious, civic, or other nonprofit organizations, with the permission of the parent, guardian, or other person having the legal care and custody of the minor. (Ord. 120, 2-13-1996; 1997 Code)