Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description
1970-16 | - -1970 | Authorizing Mayor to enter into an option agreement for purchase of land |
1970-20 | 9-14-1970 | Proposal and execution from Ohio Power Company to light the streets |
1972-2 | 1-24-1972 | Providing for the collection of garbage and granting an exclusive franchise |
Res. 1974-13 | 4-22-1974 | Creation of Northeast Ohio Five-County Regional Planning and Development Organization |
1975-5 | 1-27-1975 | Exclusive franchise agreement for trash pickup |
Res. 1975-7 | 2-24-1975 | Lease-purchase agreement with the Board of Education of Green Local Schools |
1975-11 | 5-12-1975 | Accepting deed of property from Fireman’s Benefit Association; entrance into a lease of property |
1977-12 | 9-12-1977 | Contract for lease of a right-of-way with Railway |
1978-26 | 8-14-1978 | Agreement with Wayne County Commissioners to provide for administration of Ohio Building Code |
1978-27 | 8-14-1978 | Application for certification of Building Department |
1979-12 | 3-26-1979 | Agreement with JNS Development, Inc. |
1979-34 | 10-22-1979 | Television franchise agreement with Armstrong Communications, Inc. |
1979-37 | 10-22-1979 | Application for certification of Building Department |
1979-39 | 10-22-1979 | Agreement with Wayne County Commissioners to provide for administration of Ohio Building Code |
1980-5 | 1-14-1980 | Amending Ord. 1979-34, relating to CATV |
1980-7 | 1-28-1980 | Accepting NRFCO’s water management plan |
1980-18 | 3-24-1980 | Granting Clear Picture, Inc., a television franchise |
1980-39 | 9-22-1980 | Accepting proposal and execution of contract with Ohio Power Company |
1981-3 | 1-12-1981 | Agreement with Wayne County Commissioners to provide for administration of Ohio Building Code |
1986-23 | 9-8-1986 | Assessment of compensation of affected landowners |
27 | 11-11-1991 | Granting Director of Transportation Authority to maintain state highways and the like |
Res. 1992-5 | 1-13-1992 | Participation in the state’s Cooperative Purchasing Program |
Res. 1992-14 | 6-10-1991 | Participation in OML Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Program |
Res. 1992-15 | 5-26-1992 | Authorizing enrollment in OML Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Program |
1992-31 | 11-23-1992 | Approving solid waste management plan |
2001-12 | 6-11-2001 | Formation of Joint Fire District with Wayne Township |
Res. 2002-06 | 2-14-2002 | Continuance of Joint Fire District with Wayne Township |
2005-6 | 5-9-2005 | Authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a contract with the lowest and best bidder for the resurfacing and repair of streets during the calendar year 2005 |
2007-6 | 2-12-2007 | Authorizing a contract with the Board of Wayne County Commissioners for administration and enforcement of the Ohio Manufactured Homes Installation Standards by the Wayne County Building Department and authorizing an application to the Ohio Manufactured Homes Commission for the certification of the Building Department through a certified building department |
Res. 2010-08 | 3-22-2010 | Authorizing a contract with Shetler Construction, LLC for construction work on the Smithville Village Park concession stand |
Res. 2010-09 | 4-12-2010 | Authorizing a contract with Thompson Services to provide electrical work at the Smithville Village Park |
Res. 2010-11 | 5-24-2010 | Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and adopt the Solid Waste Management Plan for the Stark- Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management District |
Res. 2010-12 | 6-28-2010 | Authorizing the village to enter into a contract with J.D. Mining, Inc. for the Main Street repair and resurfacing |
Res. 2010-13 | 6-28-2010 | Authorizing the village to enter into a contract with J.D. Mining, Inc. for street repair and resurfacing |
Res. 2010-17 | 10-11-2010 | Authorizing a contract with Pro- Tech Systems Group for purchase of water treatment plant electronic controls |
Res. 2014-23 | 10-13-2014 | Authorizing a contract with the Wayne County Commissioners to supply health insurance benefits to all eligible village employees |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Regional Council of Governments for the administration of the income tax laws and collection of taxes for the Village through Regional Income Tax Agency
Res. 2022-13
Authorizing the Mayor and Fiscal Officer to enter into an agreement with TR Snyder Construction, Inc. to provide the necessary labor and materials for completion of the Fairlawn Avenue Sidewalk Project
Res. 2022-19
Authorizing the Mayor and Fiscal Officer to enter into an agreement with R.A. Bores Excavating, Inc. to provide the necessary labor and materials for completion of the North Mill Street Water Main Replacement
Res. 2023-7
Authorizing the Mayor and Fiscal Officer to enter into an agreement with Melway Group to provide the necessary labor and materials for completion of 2023 Street Resurfacing and Repair
Authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a contract with Melway Group for the 2023 Resurfacing and Repair Project