(A) Outdoor advertising signs and structures, where permitted shall be set back 50 feet from the established right-of-way line of any street or highway, or as far as the required front yard depth for a principal building in such districts, whichever is the greater distance; provided that for every square foot by which the signs or billboards exceed 80 square feet, the setback shall be increased by one-half foot but need not exceed 100 feet, except that at the intersection of any state or federal highway with a major or secondary street any outdoor advertising sign or billboard shall not be less than 200 feet from the established right-of-way of each such highway or street.
(B) No such billboard, sign, or advertising structure shall be permitted which faces the front or side lot line of any lot in any “R” District within 100 feet of such lot line or which faces any public parkway, public square or entrances to any public park, public or parochial school, library, church or similar institution within 300 feet thereof.
(C) Non-illuminated real estate signs, advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises on which they are maintained and not over 12 square feet in aggregate area shall be permitted on any lot 100 feet or less in width. Larger signs shall be permitted for two or more lots in single ownership or for properties with frontages in excess of 100 feet provided that the signs shall not exceed a maximum area of 150 square feet. The signs shall be set back from every street lot line at least a distance in feet equal to the number of square feet in the area of the sign, but such setback shall not be less than the least depth of the required front yard. Real estate signs, not exceeding six square feet in area and when attached flat against the building to which it pertains, shall be permitted in any case.
(D) Small announcement or professional signs, where permitted, shall not exceed two square feet in area, except that a church, school, community center, or other public or institutional building may have for its own use an announcement sign or bulletin board not over 12 square feet in area, which, if not attached flat against a building, shall be at least 12 feet from all street lines. Wall signs pertaining to a non-conforming use shall be permitted if on the same premises as such use and not exceeding in the aggregate 20 square feet in area or two feet in one dimension.
(E) Every conforming business located in a “C-1", “C-2" or “M” district may have one free standing sign advertising the nature of the business provided the sign is on the same property as the main building. The total area of the sign, on either side, shall not exceed 60 square feet, and the bottom of the sign shall be located at a minimum of ten feet above grade. The furthermost overhang of the sign shall be no nearer than two feet to the street right-of-way in a “C-1" District or ten feet in a “C-2" or “M” District.
(F) No sign or advertising structure shall be located, placed or arranged so as to impair traffic visibility at any intersection or at an entrance or exit to any use of any property.
(G) Temporary signs, of any configuration, typically placed for special events may not exceed 30 days; no-fee permits are required. Size may not exceed three feet by four feet. Set-back requirements by Zoning District. Placement may not impair traffic visibility at intersections or at entrances or exits to any use of any property.
(H) Political signs may be placed no earlier than 30 days before an election, and remain only seven days after the election; no permits required. Size not to exceed four feet by eight feet.
(I) All of the signs referred to in this section may be illuminated, provided the source of light is not visible and no flashing or blinking lights are permitted. The source, design, and/or placement of illumination must not create a public or private nuisance for vehicular traffic, nor for the normal and acceptable tranquility of the neighborhood.
(J) All signs shall be maintained in good appearance and repair.
(Ord. 76-43, passed 12-13-1976; Am. Ord. 2017-4, passed 3-27-2017; Am. Ord. 2020-02, passed 2-3- 2020)