(A)   All streets and thoroughfares shall be graded to their full right-of-way width, including side slopes, and improved in accordance with the standards set forth herein. Plans and specifications for street improvements shall comply with Village of Smithville Construction and Material Specifications and Standard Construction Drawings and be subject to approval by the village.
   (B)   In certain instances, especially where a commercial area is involved and no off street parking facilities are provided and no parking is permitted on the street at any time, a parking lane at least eight feet wide on each side of the street and paved to the satisfaction of and in accordance with the specifications approved by the officials concerned may be required in addition to the necessary number of lanes for moving traffic. Where pavement widths greater than those specified above are necessary, provision of same shall be discussed with the Planning Commission to determine whether or not public expenditures for such additional width can or should be made simultaneously with the subdivider’s improvement program.
(Ord. passed 5-10-2001)