(A) Width. Except as otherwise provided in the subdivision regulations, the width of sidewalks for various streets shall be as follows:
(1) For streets 40 feet or less in width, the sidewalks shall be four feet in width.
(2) For streets of more than 40 feet in width, the sidewalks shall be five feet in width, except that Council may by ordinance change or alter the above to apply to special conditions which may arise and when, in the opinion of Council, such changes or alterations are necessary by virtue of good and sufficient reasons.
(B) Elevation. The elevation of sidewalks for various streets shall be as follows:
(1) Where sidewalk elevations have been previously determined by action of Council, sidewalks shall be so constructed as to correspond with the established elevation at the sidewalk line as hereinafter established, and to have a cross slope of one-forth inch to one-foot toward the curb or roadway.
(2) Where sidewalk elevations have not been specifically established by Council, the elevation of the sidewalk shall be such as will make a uniform cross slope of one-forth inch to one foot from the elevation of the sidewalk at the sidewalk line as hereinafter established. Where curb grades have not been specifically established, the curb grade for both curbs of a street shall be presumed to be six inches higher than the gutter grade provided that when, in the opinion of the Street Commissioner, it becomes necessary to preserve the symmetry of the street or the uniformity of the grade of the existing sidewalks, the specified cross slope may be so altered as to cause the gradeline of the sidewalk to intersect the gradeline of an existing sidewalk, or intersect an established sidewalk or gradeline.
(3) Plans and specifications shall comply with all state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to the provision of ramps for handicapped persons at street and alley crossings.
(C) Line. The sidewalk line, meaning that edge of the sidewalk farthest from the curb or roadway, shall be the property line which is the same as the boundary line of the street. Sidewalks shall be so laid that their edges farthest from the curb or roadway coincide with the sidewalk line as herein established. However, Council may by ordinance change or alter the above to apply to special conditions which may arise and when, in the opinion of Council, such changes or alterations are necessary by virtue of good and sufficient reasons.
(D) Grade stakes. Prior to the construction of a sidewalk, the Street Commissioner shall be requested to set as many grade stakes as he or she deems necessary to indicate the correct elevation of the sidewalk. It shall be a violation of this section to construct a sidewalk which does not conform to such grade stakes.
(E) Construction specifications. Sidewalks shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete, conforming to Specification Class "C" of the Ohio Department of Transportation. They shall not be less than four inches in thickness and that portion which is in the driveway area shall be at least six inches in thickness. Brick surfaced construction will be considered, when desired to produce a decorative effect, if placed on a four-inch Portland cement concrete base and the bricks set in a mastic material or placed as a monolithic structure. Asphaltic concrete shall not be used except by license from the village. Construction of sidewalks shall be in conformance to sound construction practice, and in conformance to the specifications on file in the office of the Street Commissioner.
(Ord. 1988-14, passed 6-13-1988)