(A)   (1)   Any person who uses, occupies, establishes, or conducts a nuisance, or aids and abets in the use, occupancy, establishment, or conduct of a nuisance; the owner, agent, or lessee of an interest in any such nuisance; any person who is employed in that nuisance by that owner, agent, or lessee; and any person who is in control of that nuisance is guilty of maintaining a nuisance and shall be enjoined as provided in R.C. §§ 3767.03 through 3767.11.
      (2)   A criminal gang that uses or occupies any building, premises, or real estate, including vacant land, on more than two occasions within a one-year period to engage in a pattern of criminal gang activity is guilty of maintaining a nuisance and shall be enjoined as provided in R.C. §§ 3767.03 through 3767.11. As used in this division (A)(2), CRIMINAL GANG and PATTERN OF CRIMINAL GANG ACTIVITY have the same meanings as in R.C. § 2923.41.
(R.C. § 3767.02) (Rev. 1999)
      (3)   Any building, premises, or real estate, including vacant land, that is used or occupied by a criminal gang on more than two occasions within a one-year period to engage in a pattern of criminal gang activity constitutes a nuisance subject to abatement pursuant to R.C. §§ 3767.01 through 3767.11
(R.C. § 2923.43) (Rev. 1999)
   (B)   In case of the violation of any injunction or closing order granted under R.C. §§ 3767.01 through 3767.11, or of a restraining order or the commission of any contempt of court in proceedings under such sections, the court or, in vacation, a judge thereof, may summarily try and punish the offender. The trial may be had upon affidavits or either party may demand the production and oral examination or witnesses.
(R.C. § 3767.07)
   (C)   Whoever is guilty of contempt under this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(R.C. § 3767.99(A))
Statutory reference:
   Abatement of nuisance, bond and notice, see R.C. § 3767.03
   Content of judgment and order, disposition of property seized, see R.C. § 3767.06
   Criminal gang activity, see R.C. §§ 2923.41 et seq.
   Priority of actions, evidence, costs; nuisances relating to liquor permit premises, see R.C. § 3767.05
   Procedure in injunction action, see R.C. § 3767.04