(A)   All major contributing industrial users of the treatment facilities shall pretreat any pollutant which may Interfere with, pass through, or otherwise be incompatible with the treatment works. Standards for pretreatment of the pollutants are published in C.F.R. part 129, and are available from the Board. All owner(s) of any source to which pretreatment standards are applicable, shall be in compliance with such standards within the shortest reasonable time, but later than 2 years from the date of promulgation of the standards for the applicable industrial category. All owner(s) of any source to which pretreatment standards are applicable shall submit to the Board semi-annual notices regarding specific actions taken to comply with the standards. The notices shall be submitted on the first day of the months of April and October.
   (B)   If any major contributing industrial user proposes to pretreat its wastes, the design and installation of the plants and equipment shall be subject to the review and approval of the Board of Public Affairs.
(Ord. 1978-28, passed 8-14-1978)