(A)   (1)   That it shall be unlawful for any owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of any lot or land to connect his or her premises to any public sewer until a permit therefor has been obtained from the Board of Public Affairs of the village. The Board shall keep a record of all such permits issued by it and shall cause the connections to be inspected at the time that they are made.
      (2)   The fee for any such permit issued by the Board of Public Affairs shall be $1,600.
      (3)   The Board of Public Affairs shall establish the form for permits to tap sewers, and all forms shall be consecutively numbered. The Board of Public Affairs shall transfer to the Village Treasury, in the manner prescribed by law, all funds received for sewer permits, which funds shall be credited to the Sewer Fund of the village.
      (4)   No permit will be issued unless there is sufficient downstream capacity to handle the additional wastes.
   (B)   (1)   In addition to the permit fee, a connection charge shall be made for all new or old buildings to be connected into the sanitary system, major additions or alterations to buildings causing increased wastewater discharge, and any land use causing the discharge of wastewater into the wastewater system. A connection charge shall be made to an industrial user for any change In wastewater flow equal to or beyond the quantities noted herein.
      (2)   Charges for connections to the sewage system shall be computed on the basis of the number of units to be served. A unit is that quantity of wastewater discharged from the ordinary single family dwelling, occupied by one family. In computing charges for commercial, industrial, or multiple residents, the number of units for which charges are to be made shall be determined from the following equivalent factors, but none shall be less than one unit:
Unit Factor
Unit Factor
Auto Body Shop
0.40 per 2000 sq.ft.
Auto Dealers
0.40 per 2000 sq.ft.
Barber shops
.14 per chair
.044 per seat
Beauty shops
0.223 per work station
Boarding houses
.16 per person
Boarding schools
.23 per person
Bowling Alleys (no bars or lunch facilities)
.16 per alley
Car washes line
10.00 per single production
Car washes (self-service)
1.25 per unit
.008 per seat
Cleaners-(pick up only)
.048 per employee
Cleaners (pressing facilities)
1.25 per press
0.50 per doctor
Convalescent homes
.22 per bed
.20 per person
Country clubs
.08 per member
Drug stores (with fountain service)
.08 per seat
Factories (exclusive of industrial
0.50 per 2000 sq.ft. wastes)
Fraternal organizations
1.00 per hall (members only)
Fraternal Organizations
2.00 per hall (members and rentals)
Grocery Stores and Super Markets
1.10 per 2000 sq.ft.
1.09 per bed
Hotels and Motels
.25 per bed
Laundry (self service)
.54 per washer
Multiple family residence
.56 per unit
Office Buildings
0.40 per 2000 sq.ft.
Public institutions other than hospitals
.13 per seat
Rooming houses (no meals)
.13 per person
Service stations
.24 per pump
Snack bars, drive-ins, etc.
.08 per seat and/or stall
.010 per student
Store (other than specifically listed)
.16 per employee
Swimming pool
2.85 per 1,000 sq. ft. of pool
Theaters (drive-ins)
.008 per car space
Theaters (inside with air conditioning)
.000093 times weekly hours of operation times seats
Trailer parks (central laundry facilities
.40 per trailer
0.10 per 2,000 sq. ft.
      (3)   Classifications not specifically listed shall be assigned values as determined by the Board of Public Affairs so long as the same are consistent with this section.
   (C)   $2,600 per unit for all new connections, improvements, extensions, and/or major alterations to existing improvements.
(Ord. 1978-28, passed 8-14-1978)