(A) The property owner or his or her agent, hereinafter called customer, must make written application for water service at the Village Hall of the municipality, and the application including service received thereunder is unassignable by the customer.
(B) All taps and connections to the mains of the municipality shall be made by and/or under the direction and supervision of waterworks personnel.
(C) The municipality shall install and maintain at its expense that portion of the service from the main to the lot or casement line, including the necessary tap, fittings and shut-off valve; and the customer shall install and maintain at its expense that portion of the service from the lot or easement line to his or her premises, including a stop and waste cock at the end of the house side of his or her service. The minimum earth cover of the customer’s service shall be 5 feet. The company shall determine the size and kind of service to be installed.
(D) Application may be cancelled and/or water service discontinued by the municipality for any violation of any rule, regulation or condition of service, and especially for any of the following reasons:
(1) Misrepresentation in the application as to the property or fixtures to be supplied or use to be made of water;
(2) Failure to report to the municipality addition to the property or fixtures to the supplies or additional use to be made of water;
(3) Resale or giving away of water;
(4) Waste or misuse of water due to improper or imperfect service pipes, and/or fixtures, or failure to keep same in suitable state of repair;
(5) Tampering with meter, mater seal, service, or valves, or permitting such tampering by others;
(6) Connection, cross-connection, or permitting same, of any separate water supply to premises which receive water from the municipality; and
(7) Non-payment of bills.
(Ord. 1976-40, passed 10-1-1976)