(A)   Park Committee. There is hereby created and established a Village Park Committee ("Committee") for the Village of Smithville, which shall be composed of the following: up to four citizens who shall be appointed by the Mayor with approval of Council.
   (B)   Term of office. The term of persons to be appointed by the Mayor shall be for four years. For the first Committee, one member shall be appointed for one year, one member for two years, one member for three years, and one member for four years. In the event a vacancy occurs during the term of any member, his or her successor shall be appointed for the unexpired portion of the term with approval of Council. All members shall serve without compensation.
   (C)   Rules and regulations. The Committee shall choose its own officers, make its rules and regulations for its proceedings, and keep a journal of its proceedings. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum. All plans, findings, advice, reports and recommendations made by the Committee shall be in writing to the Mayor and Council. No recommendations to the Mayor or Council can be made without the consent of the majority of the Committee members. The Committee shall meet bi-monthly in the months of January, March, May July, September, and November with additional meetings as warranted.
   (D)   Powers and duties. The Committee shall have the power to study, investigate, plan, advise, report and recommend to Council any action, program, plan or legislation which the Committee finds or determines to be necessary or advisable for the care, preservation and maintenance of any recreational and/or park facilities. All recommendations made by the Committee shall be presented to Council for approval. A cumulative record of Committee meetings shall be maintained in the Village Hall.
   (E)   Funding. Before the first day of June in each year, the Committee shall file an estimate of anticipated expenditures for the next fiscal year. The estimated expenditures are a projection of costs for proposed projects the Committee anticipates recommending to Council. The Village Council and Clerk will evaluate all revenue resources and advise the Park Committee of estimated resources. Any amount that is approved will be included in the next succeeding year's budget and will be appropriated at the beginning of the year.
(Ord. 2007-7, passed 2-12-2007)