(A) Conformance. All new driveways and the replacement of existing driveways shall conform to the following policy set forth in this section and the specifications on file in the Street Commissioner's office. The Street Commissioner shall have the authority to impose reasonable requirements concerning the placement of a driveway to alleviate hazards of vehicles entering and leaving a public thoroughfare. If, for some unforseen reason, the enforcement of this policy would make a driveway a hazard or impractical for normal use, the Street Commissioner may authorize and/or recommend some revision in the policy to fit that particular situation. The maintenance of the driveway and the cost thereof shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
   (B)   Geometrics. Each driveway entrance shall conform to the following:
      (1)   The driveway shall be constructed perpendicular or 90 degrees to the center line of the street.
      (2)   The driveway width measured at the front edge of the sidewalk, or the sidewalk location if it does not exist at the time of construction, shall be a minimum of 12 feet and not more than 25 feet.
      (3)   The driveway edges shall each have a 2:1 (length and width) flare rate. A curved edge with a minimum radius of ten feet may also be used.
   (C)   Number permitted. For properties which are accessible from two street lines, there will be one driveway permitted on each street line for the first 150 feet of frontage on each street line. For properties which are accessible from only one street line, there will be permitted a maximum of two driveways for the first 150 feet of frontage. The number of driveways permitted on properties with frontages in excess of 150 feet will be subject to recommendation and approval of the Street Commissioner.
   (D)   Materials. The materials used for driveway construction shall conform to the construction and material specifications published by the Ohio Department of Transportation. The material required for driveway construction shall be as follows:
      (1)   Improved streets.
         (a)   Item 452 plain Portland cement concrete pavement with a minimum thickness of six inches for residential and seven inches for commercial drives; or
         (b)   Item 404 aspahlt concrete (hot mix) with a minimum thickness of two and one-half inches placed over six inches of Item 310 subbase (granular material).
      (2)   Unimproved streets. Driveways shall be six inches of Item 304 aggregate base material.
   (E)   Drainage. In areas where side ditches exist along a street, a driveway culvert shall be installed at the expense of the property owner. The culvert shall be a minimum of 12 inches in diameter and whatever length needed to span the approach. It shall be constructed of corrugated metal or extra strength concrete. Other materials may be used with approval by the Street Commissioner. On streets where no curb exists, the driveways shall be graded so as not to pond or collect water on the street pavement. All driveway grading and drainage culverts shall be subject to the approval of the Street Commissioner.
   (F)   Curb cuts. In situations where the existing curb must be lowered to the two-inch dropped curb, breaking the curb down to the gutter line with a hammer will not be permitted. The procedure for cutting curbs shall be as follows:
      (1)   Concrete pavement with integral curb. A neat saw joint shall be made two feet from the back of the curb and parallel to the curb for a distance of one foot beyond the corners of the new driveway. Another saw joint then will be made perpendicular to the first cut through the curb. The concrete pavement shall be removed to the subbase and replaced with new concrete pavement forming the dropped curb.
      (2)   Concrete or asphalt pavement with separate curb and gutter. The curb and gutter portion shall be sawed at a point one foot beyond the corners of the new driveway. The curb and gutter will then be removed to the subbase and replaced with new concrete forming the dropped curb.
(Ord. 1988-14, passed 6-13-1988)