(A)   All rates for sewer services as well as charges for hookups, capacity charges and other related fees shall be as are established by city ordinance.
   (B)   The City Commission, acting by and through its City Administrator and/or City Clerk/ Treasurer shall enforce the regular and prompt collection of revenues due from patrons for the sewer services and are specifically authorized and directed to invoke the provisions of the agreement with the West Shelby Water District so that the water service of any patron who fails to pay the account due for sewer service will be disconnected; and to fix a reasonable charge for restoration of service, as determined by the Sewer Board.
   (C)   Within 90 days of the end of each fiscal year, the City Clerk/Treasurer shall cause to be paid to the city from Sewer Board revenues a sum not to exceed 10% of the gross revenues collected by the Sewer Board for the prior fiscal year. The actual amount shall be as decided by the Simpsonville City Commission. Said percentage shall be of gross revenues for sewer service only and shall not include tap on or capacity charges.
   (D)   All duties previously assigned to the Sewer Board pursuant to Ordinance 2009-006 are hereby assumed by the City Commission. Any reference to an act, responsibility, administrative function or otherwise in that ordinance to the Sewer Board shall henceforth be a function of the City Commission.
(Ord. 2009-006, passed 6-17-2009; Am. Ord. 2012-002, passed 3-6-2012)