In order to alert motorists of upcoming speed humps, the following warning devices shall be used:
   (A)   Each speed hump shall be marked with a “Speed Hump” sign as indicated by MUTCD at the start of the hump in each direction.
   (B)   (1)   Each speed hump shall be marked with a “15 MPH” speed advisory sign between 200 feet and 325 feet in front of the speed hump in each direction (based on 25 mph speed limit).
      (2)   The sign shall be placed at a minimum of 40 feet from any other sign.
   (C)   The front of the speed hump shall be marked with six-inch wide thermoplastic pavement markings on each half of the traffic lane.
   (D)   The exact speed hump location is subject to traffic safety and operations requirements as determined and approved by the city.
(Ord. 2020-003, passed 2-3-2020)