A.   Annual Vaccination And Licensing Required; Term: It shall be the duty of every person who owns or harbors any dog or dogs in the town to have such dog or dogs inoculated by a regularly licensed veterinarian of the state of Colorado and to obtain a certificate from said veterinarian reflecting the inoculations. The owner, possessor or keeper of any dog within the town shall secure a license for such dog from the town clerk on or before March 31 of each year or within thirty (30) days after the dog reaches the age of six (6) months. Dogs purchased, obtained or otherwise acquired subsequent to March 31 in any calendar year shall be licensed within thirty (30) days after such acquisition, or within thirty (30) days after the dog reaches the age of six (6) months. New residents of the town shall have thirty (30) days from becoming residents to secure a license hereunder. Such inoculation and licensing shall be valid for each calendar year in which the same is obtained and for January, February, and March of the following year. (Ord. 275, 12-8-2009)
   B.   Fees:
      1.   Each neutered male and spayed female: Fifteen dollars ($15.00). (Ord. 244, 12-2-2003)
      2.   Each unspayed female and unneutered male: Twenty five dollars ($25.00). (Ord. 248, 1-4-2005)
      3.   Any license obtained after April 1, hereinafter referred to as a "late license", shall bear a penalty of forty five dollars ($45.00), which penalty shall be in addition to the license fee and paid to the town clerk at the time of license purchase. (Ord. 275, 12-8-2009)
   C.   Certificate Of Vaccination; Issuance Of License: Every veterinarian performing vaccination shall furnish the owner of any dog vaccinated a certificate of such vaccination which shall be presented to the town clerk and recorder who, upon payment of the town license fee, shall issue the license provided for in subsection D of this section, retaining a record thereof in his office. No license shall be issued for any dog without the production of certificate of vaccination and payment of fee. (Ord. 162, 4-7-1986; amd. 1990 Code)
   D.   Contents Of License And Tag: The license, which may be in the form of a receipt, shall state the name of the owner, the date of issuance and date of inoculation, and a description of the dog.
The town clerk and recorder shall issue a license to the owner or harborer of each dog, the receipt for which shall contain the following information:
      1.   The name and address of the owner or harborer of any inoculated and licensed dog;
      2.   The date of inoculation and date of license;
      3.   The year and series number of the dog tag;
      4.   The breed, age, color and sex of the inoculated dog.
The tags shall be made of durable material suitable to be attached to the collar or harness of the inoculated dog. Such tag shall state the year for which it is issued and the series number of the license and tag. Such tags shall also be prepared and distributed by the town clerk. (Ord. 162, 4-7-1986)
   E.   Tags Attached To Collar: Every owner or harborer of a dog shall attach the tag evidencing the licensing and inoculation with antirabies vaccine to the collar or harness of the inoculated and licensed dog, and such collar or harness shall be worn by said dog at all times. The license shall be retained by the owner or harborer of the inoculated and licensed dog for inspection by the animal control officer. (Ord. 162, 4-7-1986; amd. 1990 Code)