The town of Simla, Colorado, identifies the following red flags to detect potential fraud. These are not intended to be all inclusive and other suspicious activity may be investigated as necessary:
   A.   Fraud or active duty alerts included with consumer reports;
   B.   Notice of credit freeze provided by consumer reporting agency;
   C.   Notice of address discrepancy provided by consumer reporting agency;
   D.   Other information is inconsistent with information provided by applicant;
   E.   Application appears altered or destroyed and reassembled;
   F.   Application is for an address already being provided service;
   G.   Information provided is associated with known fraudulent activity (e.g., address or phone number provided is same as that of a fraudulent application);
   H.   Customer fails to provide all information requested;
   I.   Personal information provided is inconsistent with information on file for a customer or looks otherwise suspicious;
   J.   Applicant cannot provide information requested beyond what could commonly be found in a purse or wallet (lease agreement, deed, other);
   K.   Identity theft is reported or discovered. (Res. 150-2009, 4-14-2009)