The applicant is required to prepare all necessary documents in a professional manner and submit all documents as required. The applicant is required, upon the submittal of the application, to negotiate with the town or its designee both a preannexation agreement and an annexation agreement as described herein. The town board must approve a resolution for annexation prior to the holding of a public hearing pursuant to state statute. In addition, the town clerk will publish the resolution and the public notice of hearing for four (4) successive weeks in the town's official newspaper. The first publication shall be at least thirty (30) days prior to the public hearing before the town board. The town clerk will also send a copy of the notice to the Elbert County Land Use Department and to any special district and school district having territory within the area to be annexed at least twenty five (25) days prior to the date fixed for such hearing. (Ord. 214, 11-2-1999)