A.   Every significant industrial user shall file an annual discharge report. Unless otherwise required by the certified facility operator, discharge reports shall be filed not later than thirty (30) days after the annual anniversary date of the commencement of discharge to the town's system. The certified facility operator may require any other industrial user discharging or proposing to discharge into the wastewater treatment system to file such periodic reports.
   B.   The discharge report shall indicate the current status of the user and shall include, but, in the discretion of the certified facility operator, shall not be limited to, nature or process, volume, rates of flow, mass emission rate, production quantities, hours of operation, concentrations of controlled substances or other information which relates to the generation of waste. Such reports may also include the chemical constituents and quantity of liquid material stored on site even though they are not normally discharged. In addition to discharge reports, the certified facility operator may require information in the form of self-monitoring reports of which the form, frequency and contents shall be specified by the certified facility operator.
   C.   Every industrial and/or significant industrial user shall file an amended discharge report two (2) weeks prior to any planned significant change in operations, wastewater constituents or wastewater characteristics. If such significant change occurs unknowingly or is unplanned, an amended discharge report shall be filed within seven (7) days after such change becomes known. A "significant change" shall mean a change which will be in effect for a period of thirty (30) days or more and shall include, but is not limited to:
      1.   Change in number of shifts, an additional processing operation, any new regulated substances used which may be discharged.
      2.   A twenty five percent (25%) increase or decrease in the wastewater flow or production volume.
      3.   Any other change which may alter the average normal wastewater characteristics by a factor of 1.5 or more.
   D.   All industrial or significant industrial users who discharge or propose to discharge wastewaters to the wastewater treatment system shall maintain such records of production and related factors, effluent flows and amounts or concentrations of controlled substances as are necessary to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this article and any applicable state or federal pretreatment standards or requirements.
   E.   Such records shall be made available upon request of the certified facility operator. In addition, all industrial users who discharge or propose to discharge wastewaters to the wastewater treatment system shall provide the information requested by the certified facility operator on a wastewater discharge questionnaire, which questionnaire shall be established and revised by the certified facility operator from time to time as he or she deems to be necessary.
   F.   Should the certified facility operator deem it necessary to fulfill the purposes of this article, the owner or operator of any premises or facility discharging industrial wastewater into the wastewater system shall install at his own expense suitable monitoring equipment which isolates appropriate wastewater discharges into the wastewater system and facilitates accurate observation, sampling and measurement of appropriate discharges. Such equipment shall be maintained in proper working order and kept safe and accessible at all times.
   G.   Where practical, the monitoring equipment shall be located and maintained on the industrial user's premises outside of the building. When such a location would be impractical or cause undue hardship to the user, the certified facility operator may allow such facility to be constructed in the public street or easement area, with the approval of the agency having jurisdiction over such street or easement, and located so that it will not be obstructed by public utilities, landscaping or parked vehicles.
   H.   When more than one user is able to discharge into a common service line, the certified facility operator may require installation of separate monitoring equipment for each user. When there is a significant difference in wastewater constituents and characteristics produced by different operations of a single user, the certified facility operator may require that separate monitoring facilities be installed for each separate discharge.
   I.   Whether constructed on public or private property, the monitoring facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the certified facility operator's requirements and all applicable construction standards and specifications.
   J.   Compliance determinations with respect to this article prohibitions and limitations may be made on the basis of either instantaneous "grab" samples or composite samples of wastewater. Such samples shall be taken at a point or points which the certified facility operator determines to be suitable for obtaining a representative sample of the discharge. Composite samples may be taken over a twenty four (24) hour period, or over a longer or shorter time span, as determined by the certified facility operator to meet specific circumstances.
   K.   Laboratory analysis of industrial wastewater samples shall be performed in accordance with the current edition of "Standard Methods For Chemical Analysis Of Water And Wastewater" published by the U.S. environmental protection agency or the "Annual Book Of Standards, Part 23, Water, Atmospheric Analysis", published by the American Society for Testing and Materials. Analysis of those pollutants not covered by these publications shall be performed in accordance with procedures approved by the certified facility operator. The test results of laboratory analysis performed by the town in accordance with this article shall be presumed to be correct unless shown otherwise by competent evidence.
   L.   Sampling of industrial wastewater for the purpose of determining compliance with respect to this article prohibitions and limitations shall be performed by the town at such intervals as the certified facility operator may designate. However, it is the goal of this article that the certified facility operator conduct sampling or cause such sampling to be conducted for all major contributing industries at least four (4) times per year. All sampling and testing shall be at the expense of the user. The charges shall be itemized on the user's billing statement. (Ord. 242, 10-7-2003)