A.   Connection Required: The owner of any house, building, or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within the Town and abutting on any street, alley or right of way in which there is now located or may in the future be located a collection line of the town, is hereby required at such owner's expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein and to connect such facilities directly with the proper collection line in accordance with the provisions of this chapter within ninety (90) days after official notice to do so; provided, that said collection line is within one hundred feet (100') of the property line. Under unusual circumstances such as unique topographical characteristics, the board of trustees, at its total discretion and with health department approval, may waive the connection requirement. (Ord. 212, 8-3-1999)
   B.   Connection Or Disconnection; Permit: The town shall issue a permit for each connection or disconnection made to or from the wastewater treatment system of the town. Such permit will be required for all new connections, existing connections where additional fixtures are to be installed, and for disconnections. Permits for connections or disconnections shall be issued only to the property owner or applicant, or his or her designated authorized agent. All such connections or disconnections shall be the actual and financial responsibility of the owner or applicant. As part of the permitting process, the owner or applicant shall provide to the town clerk or supervisor the name and address of the person or entity qualified (together with written evidence of such qualifications) to connect or disconnect the wastewater line and attachment, and shall further provide proof of liability insurance sufficient to cover any damage caused to town property during the installation connection or disconnection process. All such connection or disconnection work shall be made under the direct supervision of the water maintenance supervisor and no connection or disconnection shall be covered until the work has been inspected and approved in writing by the supervisor. Further, should town personnel, or agents, be required to make the actual tap or connection, due to the special tool or tools maintained by the town, the connection/disconnection fee shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). The town's assistance in the connection/disconnection shall not negate the earthwork obligations of the owner or applicant. (Ord. 260, 12-5-2006, eff. 1-1-2007)
   C.   Unauthorized Connections Prohibited: It shall be a violation of these rules and regulations for any unauthorized person to uncover, enter, insert equipment, make any connections with or openings into, use, alter, or disturb any collection line or appurtenance thereof, without first obtaining a permit to connect from the town and such connections shall be made in compliance with building and plumbing codes, town collection system standards and other applicable rules and regulations of the town.
   D.   Connection To System; Inspection By Town: The applicant for the wastewater service permit shall notify the QMM when the service line is ready for inspection and connection to the collection line. The connection and testing required by the town shall be made under the supervision of the QMM. The town shall not be subjected to any liability for any deficiency or defect which is not discovered by inspection nor shall the owner or developer of such property be absolved from liability for such deficiency or defect and any resulting damage or from responsibility to correct such deficiency or defect.
   E.   Collection Lines; Manner Of Extension: Collection lines to collect and intercept wastewater from and throughout areas or additions shall be extended by the owner of the premises to be served by such lines from the existing collection line to the farthest point or points upgrade of such property. If the QMM determines that extension of collection lines to the farthest point or points upgrade is not necessary for efficient expansion of the wastewater treatment system, the QMM may waive the requirement of such extension. In any event, collection lines shall be extended by the owner of the property to be served by such lines from the existing collection line to a point which permits the shortest possible service line between the collection line and the property line of the premises served thereby. Thereafter the collection lines shall be extended to adjoining property in compliance with the latest edition of the town's regulations and specifications. Extensions shall not be made for remote or isolated services unless the applicant requesting such service shall provide for the cost of such extension to the point of service and such extension is approved by the board.
   F.   Wastewater Lines; Compliance With Subdivision And Other Land Use Requirements: No wastewater lines shall be laid or placed in any proposed addition or subdivision in the town until said proposed addition is platted and approved by the board in accordance with the town subdivision regulations. Further, any proposed extension of service to platted but undeveloped property within the town shall be governed by applicable town ordinance.
   G.   Service Lines; Separate For Each Building; Exceptions: A separate and independent service line shall be provided for every building. However, where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot which cannot be subdivided, and no service line is available nor can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, court, yard, or driveway, the service line of the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one service. Multi-family or commercial or industrial complexes having more than one building on a single platted lot may have the individual buildings connected to a single common service line, unless and until such lot is resubdivided or the buildings otherwise become separately owned, in which case independent connections shall be made. Waiver of this requirement for a separate and independent service line may be granted by the board upon resubdivision or creation of separate ownership of individual buildings on a single lot with existing multi-family or commercial, but not industrial complexes. Such a waiver shall be granted upon showing that the service lines owned in common will be maintained by an entity of the owners of the separate buildings. By regulation, the board may provide for additional requirements to assure proper maintenance and repair of the common service lines, and, if necessary, monitoring of effluent quality or quantity. The town does not assume any obligation nor acquire any liability for damage to the connecting property or any portion thereof caused by or resulting from any such connection to the wastewater system as aforementioned. Similarly, the allowance of a single service line will not excuse each residence or user from paying the costs and rates set forth herein.
   H.   Service Line; Construction To Conform To Rules And Regulations: The size, slope, alignment, and materials of construction of a service line, and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of the pipe, joining, testing and backfilling the trench, shall all conform to the requirements of applicable town building and plumbing codes as well as other applicable rules and regulations of the town pertaining to its wastewater system.
   I.   Service Line; Use Of Gravity Flow: Whenever possible, the service line shall be brought from the building to an elevation below the basement floor. In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the collection line, wastewater carried by such building drain shall be lifted by means approved by the QMM and the installation shall be made in accordance with the requirement of the town at the owner's expense, including the maintenance thereof.
   J.   Service Line; Maintenance Of:
      1.   The owner of any premises connected to the town's wastewater treatment system shall be responsible for the maintenance of the service line and appurtenances thereto, from and including the connection to the collection line to the premises served. The owner shall keep such line in good condition and shall replace, at his expense, any portions thereof which, in the opinion of the QMM, have become so damaged or disintegrated as to be unfit for further use or permit excessive infiltration of groundwater or exfiltration of wastewater. The owner must secure all required permits for construction purposes and shall be responsible for returning the public right of way and the street to acceptable town standards.
      2.   In the event that more than one property is connected to a single service line, the owners of the respective premises shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance and repair requirements imposed by this chapter.
      3.   Prior to repair or alteration of the service line, a permit must be obtained from the town. A permit fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be imposed to cover the costs of the inspection. The inspection shall assure that rules applying to the wastewater system are met. The town shall not be subjected to any liability for any deficiency in the repair or alteration of such premises, and shall be absolved from liability for such deficiency or defect and any resulting damage or from responsibility to correct such deficiency or defect.
   K.   Existing Lines; Conditions For Use: Old wastewater lines may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination by the QMM, to meet all requirements of this chapter and to be compatible with the proposed use. If found unacceptable for future use, the owner shall be required to excavate the line at the point of connection to the collection line and cap the connection as required by the town standards. (Ord. 212, 8-3-1999)
   L.   Construction Requirements For Commencement And Completion: Construction of a building or facility to be served by a wastewater connection shall be commenced within one year from the date of the issuance of the permit as set forth herein, and such construction shall be pursued to completion without suspension or abandonment. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in cancellation of the permit in which event any fees or charges paid by the owner or his or her agent shall be forfeited and be deemed nonrefundable. (Ord. 220, 4-4-2000)
   M.   Fixture Unit Equivalents: Fixture unit equivalents shall be calculated using the following schedule and shall apply to "stubbed in" or "roughed in" fixture traps as well as those fixtures being installed:
Kind Of Fixture
Trap Arm
Kind Of Fixture
Trap Arm
11/2 inches
11/2 inches
Clothes washers
11/2 inches
Dental unit or cuspidors
11/2 inches
Dishwashers (residential)
11/2 inches
Drinking fountains
11/4 inches
Floor drains
2 inches
Interceptors for grease, oil, solids, etc.
2 inches
Interceptors for sand, auto wash, etc.
3 inches
Laundry tubs
11/2 inches
Receptors (floor sinks), indirect waste receptors for refrigerators, coffee urns, water stations, etc.
11/2 inches
Showers, gang (per shower head)
2 inches
Showers, single stall
2 inches
Sinks, bar, commercial
11/2 inches
Sinks, bar, private
11/2 inches
Sinks, commercial or industrial schools, etc., including dishwashers, wash up sinks and wash fountains
11/2 inches
Sinks, double (residential kitchen)
11/2 inches
Sinks, flushing rim, clinic
3 inches
Sinks, service
2 inches
Urinals, pedestal
3 inches
Urinals, stall
2 inches
Urinals, trough
11/2 inches
Washbasins, (lavatories) single
11/4 inches
Washbasins, in sets
11/2 inches
Water closet, flush valve type
3 inches
Water closet, tank type
3 inches
   N.   Disconnection; Fee: In the event that a user desires to disconnect his premises from the wastewater system of the town, and the user is allowed to do so without violation of any of the provisions set forth herein, the user shall not be permitted to take up that portion of the service line between the collection line and the property line of the premises, but at his expense the service line shall be capped at said property line and the service line shall be removed from the property line to the structure, except as required by subsection K of this section. New service lines to replace existing service lines shall not be approved by the town until old service lines are dug up and properly capped. Such cap shall be sufficiently tight to prevent the escape of wastewater gas or the infiltration of water. A disconnection fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall also be charged to the owner to cover the administrative and inspection costs.
   O.   Surface Runoff: No user or other person shall make a connection of roof downspouts, exterior foundation drains, areaway drains or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a collection line. (Ord. 212, 8-3-1999)
   P.   Use Of Wastewater System: Upon being connected to the town wastewater system, every connected user shall use the wastewater system as to all domestic and business uses. There shall be no dumping or drainage of raw sewage, clothes washing water, business water use, etc., onto the ground or any other place other than into the pipes as connected to the town wastewater system. (Ord. 297, 2-11-2014)