No initial connection to the town water main shall be made without an application being submitted to the town clerk, by the applicant, for a water connection permit. The permit shall require a permit charge, a system development charge (previously known as a tap fee), and may also include cost recovery agreement charges, or other charges when applicable. The property owner or owners (applicant) shall obtain a written permit to connect to the water main according to the specifications prescribed herein. The permit charge shall be for each new, or renewed connection when applicable, and shall be charged for all new users or connections regardless of whether the new user or connection is tapping into an existing tap or directly into the water main. All such connections, including the installation of a water line, connection, water meter and meter pit (and accessories), when necessary shall be the actual and financial responsibility of the applicant. As part of the permitting process, the applicant shall provide to the town clerk the name and address of the person or entity qualified (together with written evidence of such qualifications) to construct and install the water line, connection, meter, meter pit, and accessories, necessary to make the connection, and shall further provide proof of liability insurance sufficient to cover any damage caused to town property during the installation and connection. All such connections, including the installation of a water meter and meter pit, shall be made under the direct supervision of the water maintenance supervisor and no connection shall be covered until the work has been inspected, and approved in writing, by the supervisor. Of the amount paid to the town clerk for the system development charge, twenty percent (20%) of the charge shall be applied towards the administrative cost and work incurred by the town in processing the application, and the remaining eighty percent (80%) of the charge shall be applied towards the impact that the application and use will have on the town water system. Applications for such connections must be made to the town clerk and the fee, according to the following schedule shall be paid with the application: (Ord. 259, 9-12-2006)
Effective January 1, 2013:
Meter Size
Areas Inside The Town Limits
Areas Outside The Town Limits
Meter Size
Areas Inside The Town Limits
Areas Outside The Town Limits
3/4 inch
$  3,500.00
1 inch
11/4 inch
11/2 inch
2 inch
Determined by board
3 inch
Determined by board
4 inch
Determined by board
(Ord. 291, 12-11-2012)
Any town approval of or development agreement entered into between the town and the developer/owner of property concerning or approved for the construction of a multi-dwelling unit shall include a system development charge for water service in the amount of three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500.00), plus the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per planned dwelling unit. (Ord. 260, 12-5-2006, eff. 1-1-2007)
   A.   For a tap larger than those stated above, the tap fee will be set upon application and approval of the town board of trustees.
   B.   Any permit issued shall specify the street address or other legal description of the land or building for the service of which the permit is issued and shall only be valid for connection to the town water mains for service to the land or building described in the permit. (Ord. 198, 9-4-1996)
   C.   Any permit issued hereunder shall retain the stated system development charge for up to one year from the date of issuance. Should the permittee fail to connect to the town water mains within one year from the issuance of the permit, then prior to making the connection to the town water main the permittee shall pay any increase in the system development charge that may have been implemented by the board of trustees since the issuance of the permit. Further, should the permittee fail to connect to the town water mains within two (2) years from the date of the issuance of the permit, then the permit shall expire and become null and void and the permittee shall be required to apply for a new permit prior to any connection. In the event that the connection is not made within a period of two (2) years from the date of the issuance of the permit, the system development charge shall be forfeited and nonrefundable unless the permittee can show to the board of trustees' satisfaction, by majority vote, that special circumstances beyond the permittee's control prevented the connection from occurring in a timely manner. (Ord. 230, 2-5-2002)
   D.   Upon connection to the water main, under those conditions as set forth above, and/or upon reconnection by a subsequent user or any use after the water has been disconnected or turned off for a period of time, water shall not be available to the site until the property owner has first paid a "turn on" fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), such fee to cover the administrative costs of the town. Further, if the town is required to directly make the tap to the water main due to the town's specialized tool or tools, an additional fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) shall be assessed to cover the employee's time and the use of the tool. The town's agreement to make the physical connection will not affect the owner's obligation to conduct the digging and other responsibilities set forth above. (Ord. 260, 12-5-2006, eff. 1-1-2007)
   E.   Upon disconnection of water service from the town water system, as requested by the applicant or owner, a fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) shall be imposed by the town and paid prior to disconnection. The town shall issue a permit for each disconnection made from the town water system. Permits for disconnection shall be issued only to the property owner or applicant, or his or her designated authorized agent. All such disconnections shall be the actual and financial responsibility of the owner or applicant. As part of the permitting process, the owner or applicant shall provide to the town clerk or agent the name and address of the person or entity qualified to do such work (together with the written evidence of such qualifications) and shall further provide proof of liability insurance sufficient to cover any damage caused to town property during the disconnection process. All such disconnection work shall be made under the direct supervision of the water maintenance supervisor and the disconnection work shall not be covered until the work has been inspected and approved in writing by the supervisor. After a disconnection has taken place, and been approved by the town, no new connection shall take place without such connection being subject to a system development charge as set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 275, 12-8-2009)