(A)   The plot plan shall consist of a plan of the lot or site upon which it is intended to build, erect, alter, or add to the building or structure, which plan shall be a property survey bearing the seal of an individual authorized by law to make the surveys, and shall show the location and dimensions of the lot.
   (B)   The location plan shall show the location of all easements and rights-of-way on the lot and all facilities installed thereon; the widths of the streets, alleys, or court ways upon which the lot or site abuts; the sidewalk and curb lines thereof; fire hydrants; the amount of space on the street or alley that will be used when such space is desired for the storage of building materials and rubbish; the location of any building or structure on the lot; the plan of the first story in heavy lines and all projections in their extremes in broken lines; the dimensions of the body of the building, its extreme projections, and the distance thereof from the adjoining street or lot lines; and the distance between the building or structure and any other building or structure on the same lot or site.  The plot plan may be combined with the location plan, and the plans shall be drawn to a uniform scale, with the scale and compass points legibly marked on the plan.  Where the plot plan indicates a conflict with an easement, right-of-way, or facility of a public utility or public authority, the Building Inspector shall notify the utility or authority concerned and allow seven days' interval before issuing a permit to allow the utility or authority to contest the applicant's right to build as proposed.
   (C)   For the purposes of this section, the record plan for a subdivision or plat may be used as the required plot plan, provided it bears the required seal and provided further that the outlines of the building or structure are shown on the appropriate lot with dimensions to show its exact location with respect to the lot lines.
('91 Code § 150.059)  (Ord. 2203-1966, passed 2-2-67)