(A)   Each person addressing the Council shall step up to the podium and microphone, shall give his/her name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record and unless further time is granted by Council, shall limit his/her address to three to five minutes.
   (B)   The Mayor shall notify each speaker when four minutes has expired in order that the speaker may begin to conclude his/her remarks. At the five-minute point if the speaker is still speaking, the Mayor shall notify the speaker that the time allocated has been completed and that the speaker should conclude forthwith.
      (1)   In the event that the procedures, regulations and rules of order for Council are not suspended to allow the speaker to continue, the speaker shall be directed to return to his/her seat. In the event that the speaker continues to speak, the President shall inform the speaker that the microphone shall be disengaged.
      (2)   In the event the speaker continues to attempt to speak after the microphone has been disengaged, he or she shall be escorted from Council chambers by an appropriate municipal official and shall be asked either to leave the premises or return quietly to his/her seat for the balance of the Council meeting. In the event the person refuses either of these options, the escorting officer may take such action as is appropriate under state law and/or city ordinance.
   (C)   All remarks shall be addressed initially to the Mayor (President of Council) who will respond to all comments/questions, as well as referring said comments/questions to the appropriate Officer of Council, City Manager or Department Head.
   (D)   No person, other than the Council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the Council, without the permission of the presiding officer.
   (E)   After the Mayor Officer of Council, City Manager or Department Head responds to the initial comment/question, no other member of Council shall enter into the discussion. This shall keep the proper division of committee responsibilities, ensure an expedient Council meeting and prevent speechmaking or other methods of filibuster.
   (F)   A public meeting or hearing is an opportunity for Council to receive input from the citizens of the community. It is not a place for a debate between persons in the audience, city staff or members of Council. Debating tactics such as demanding answers to questions framed in favor of the speaker are disfavored.
(Ord. 99-3017, passed 5-20-99)