§ 30.51  MOTIONS.
   (A)   Seconding of motions.  All motions, except for a call to order, must be seconded before being placed on the floor. The President of Council or Pro-Tem shall restate the motion before entertaining debate or taking action.
   (B)   Motions that may be received during debate.  When a question or proposition is before Council or under debate, or when a motion has been made, no motions shall be received except the following:
   To adjourn -   Undebatable
   To recess -    Undebatable
   To table -    Undebatable
   To end debate -    Undebatable
      To postpone to a definite time
      To refer to a committee
      To amend
      To postpone indefinitely
   These motions shall have precedence according to the above order.
   (C)   Motions enumerated.
      (1)   To adjourn.  A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except upon immediate repetition thereof, or when a member has the floor, or when Council is voting, and the same shall not be debatable.
      (2)   To appeal.  An appeal may be made from any decision of the presiding officer of Council, but it can be made only at the time when the ruling is made. If this appeal is seconded, the presiding officer shall state clearly the question at issue and his/her reason(s) for the decision, if he/she thinks it necessary, and then state the question thus: The question is "Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?” If a majority vote yes, the ruling of the presiding officer is sustained; otherwise the presiding officer is overruled.
      (3)   To withdraw a motion.  When a motion is before Council and the mover wishes to withdraw it if no one objects, the presiding officer grants permission; if any objection is made, a formal motion to withdraw must be made. When a motion is withdrawn, the effect is the same as if it had never been made.
      (4)   To lay on the table.  A motion to lay on the table shall preclude all amendments or debate of the subject under consideration. If the motion shall prevail, the consideration of the subject may be resumed only upon a motion to remove from the table by a member voting with the majority and with the consent of a majority of the members present.
      (5)   To close debate.  When a motion is made and seconded to close debate, the presiding officer shall put the question “Shall debate be closed?” If it fails, the discussion continues as if this motion had not been made. If adopted, debate is immediately closed, except the member who introduced the motion has the privilege of ending debate, and the vote is taken upon the pending question including voting upon any pending amendments or motion to refer.
      (6)   To reconsider.  Any member who was absent or voted with the prevailing side may move a reconsideration of any action of Council, except measures which shall be in immediate effect. Such a motion for reconsideration shall be made not later than the next regular meeting after the action to which it relates was taken.
(Ord. 99-3017, passed 5-20-99)