(A)   Application for Concept Development Plan approval. In order to allow the Planning Commission and the applicant to reach an understanding on basic design, land usage and other elements of the proposed mixed use project, the applicant shall submit an application for a planned mixed use development on a form proscribed by the Village and the application fee, along with 12 copies of the following contents no less than 30 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. The contents of the Stage I Concept Development Plan shall include:
      (1)   A detailed explanation of the nature and intensity of each proposed development pod within the project area. At a minimum, the applicant shall provide a statement detailing the anticipated number of full time equivalent employees, hours of operation, loading/unloading methods and any other pertinent detail related to the proposed business operations proposed for the project area.
      (2)   Elevation plan drawings illustrating general dimensions and building massing proposed for the development.
      (3)   An area map showing adjacent property owners and existing uses within 300 feet of the project boundaries.
      (4)   A legal description of the metes and bounds of the parcel(s) encompassing the entire proposed project area.
      (5)   A preliminary development plan drawn approximately to scale, though it need not be to the precision of a finished engineering site plan drawing, and it shall clearly show the following:
         (a)   The existing topographical features of the site;
         (b)   The location of the various metes and bounds of the parcel(s);
         (c)   The general outlines of the interior private or public roadway system, the proposed access points for the project and all existing rights-of-way and easements, whether public or private;
         (d)   Delineation of the various development pods indicating for each pod its general size and composition in terms of total number of structures;
         (e)   The interior common open space feature(s) including an on-site pedestrian connectivity plan indicating connection points to the adjacent public sidewalk network;
         (f)   Delineate the proposed parking field areas for the site;
         (g)   Where the portions of the site are subject to flooding, the map shall indicate extent and frequency by delineating the limits of any flood plain areas or flood way areas as determined by the most current FEMA Flood Insurance Maps;
         (h)   Indicate the method for storm water control for the site. If a stormwater basin or underground facility is proposed, indicate the preliminary location and size of the strowmwater facility.
         (i)   Principal ties to the public utilities including water supply and sewage disposal;
         (j)   Provide a statement of the availability of other community facilities, such as schools, fire and police protection services, and cultural facilities, if any, and how these facilities are affected by this proposal;
         (k)   Provide a statement evidencing how the applicant's proposed land uses and overall project proposal meet existing and projected community requirements set forth in the Silverton Comprehensive Plan and any other applicable village planning document;
         (l)   Provide a statement as to how common open space is to be utilized, owned and maintained;
         (m)   Provide a preliminary approach to any required buffering or screening required on the site’
         (n)   If the development is proposed to be staged, provide a general indication of how the staging is to proceed;
         (o)   The application shall indicate the project design team members including but not limited to the project architect, civil engineer and landscape architect.
   (B)   All application and permit fees shall be paid in advance as separately set forth in the zoning fee schedule adopted by Council. All costs incurred by the Village in reviewing PMUD plans, including professional consulting analysis, shall be billed to applicant and payable upon receipt.
   (C)   All permits and/or approval for permits for necessary curb cuts from state and county agencies must be secured before the application is submitted to the city.
   (D)   Planning Commission review. The Planning Commission shall review the Stage I Concept Development Plan and its related documents, and shall approve or deny the Stage I Concept Development Plan for completeness of the minimum plan contents set forth in this division. No public hearing is required for a Stage I Concept Development Plan review.
   (E)   Preparation of the Stage II Preliminary Development Plan. Upon approval by the Planning Commission that the Stage I Concept Development Plan requirements have been fulfilled, the applicant may proceed with preparing the Stage II Preliminary Development Plan. In the event the Planning Commission denies a Stage I Concept Development Plan, the applicant may resubmit a new plan correcting the deficiencies outlined by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 15-3490, passed 12-10-15)