(A)   Architectural standards.  All new principal and accessory structures permitted in this zoning district should be designed to conform to the following architectural standards in order to achieve a uniform and well planned community appearance.  As a category of structural types, institutional buildings may house a variety of uses or uses that maintain a high level of land use intensity, and as such, often present unattractive and monotonous facades. However, there are a variety of design techniques that can be utilized to promote visual variety and facilitate a cohesive, attractive design statement:
      (1)   Avoid long, blank building facades, particularly on walls visible from the public right-of-way. Facades with varied setbacks are encouraged, if possible, wall planes should not run in one continuous direction for more than 50 feet without an offset.
      (2)   All elevations to a building should be architecturally treated to avoid monotonous overall design.
      (3)   Window and doors are key elements of a building's form and should relate to the scale of the facade on which they appear. Windows and doors can help establish character by their rhythm, spacing, and variety. Recessed openings further work to provide depth and contrast on elevation planes.
      (4)   Metal buildings should be architecturally designed, providing variety and visual interest to the streetscape.
      (5)   All roof-mounted equipment should be screened from public view by materials similar to those used in the overall structure. Mechanical equipment should be located below the highest vertical element of the building.
      (6)   Building entries should be readily identifiable through the use of canopies, marquees and architectural treatment.
      (7)   Glass windows or some similar architectural treatment should occupy at least 10% of the front elevation of a building.
      (8)   Design elements which are undesirable and should be avoided include:
         (a)   Highly reflective surfaces.
         (b)   Large blank, unarticulated wall surfaces.
         (c)   Exposed, treated block walls.
   (B)   Exterior building materials.  It is encouraged that the front and two side elevations of all buildings and structures be constructed of brick, architectural block or architectural precast concrete. Painted or natural utility concrete panels or masonry units should be confined to rear elevations and in loading dock areas where applicable. Vinyl and aluminum siding is prohibited on all new or remodeled principal and accessory structures in this zoning district.
(Ord. 11-3336, passed 4-7-11)