(A)   Garage/yard sale signs.  One such sign may be posted only on the property where the event is being held (two if on a corner lot), no more than 24 hours immediately preceding the event and must be removed no more than two hours after the event has ended. The maximum height shall not exceed three feet above grade and shall not exceed four square feet.
   (B)   Political signs.  The size, structure, type, location, and lighting shall be regulated as follows:
      (1)   Political signs shall not be illuminated.
      (2)   Political signs shall not be larger than 32 square feet in size.
      (3)   Because of the nature of materials typically used to construct political signs, to avoid the unsightliness of deteriorating signs and all safety concerns which accompany such a condition, political signs must be removed or replaced when the sign is deteriorated. The city may remove any deteriorated sign and charge the expenses for the removal to the owner of the property on which the sign is displayed. Any unpaid charges may be assessed in the form of a lien against the owner of the property.
      (4)   Political signs shall not be displayed in the right-of-way.
      (5)   Political signs may be displayed in vacant lots so long as consent of the property owner to display the political sign is obtained.
      (6)   No political sign may be attached to or supported by a tree or utility pole.
      (7)   Any political sign containing glass in its construction shall use safety or wire reinforced glass.
      (8)   No pennants, banners, streamers, spinning, flashing or similar moving devices shall be permitted.
      (9)   All political signs shall be secured in such a manner as to prevent swinging or other significantly noticeable movement resulting from the wind.
   (C)   Street address signs.  Signs bearing only the street address of the properties on which they are located.  For residences, such numbers must consist of Arabic numerals no less than three inches nor more than eight inches in height.  For nonresidential uses, maximum number height varies according to front setback.  If the setback is less than 100 feet, the maximum number height is 12 inches. For setbacks between 100 and 200 feet, the maximum height is 18 inches. For setbacks over 200 feet, the maximum height is 24 inches. All street address signs shall contrast to the color of the surface on which they are mounted and shall be clearly identifiable from the street. Every building is required to post its street address.
   (D)   Residential for sale/for lease signs.  Signs indicating the sale, rental, or lease of residences, provided such signs are limited in size to seven square feet in area and four feet in height in all residential areas.  Signs are prohibited in the right-of-way or tree lawn. Free-standing signs must be located so that they do not interfere with the safe movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and all signs shall be removed within 14 days after the sale, rental, or lease has occurred. Only one such ground or window sign per street frontage is permitted, only on the lot for sale/lease/rent.
   (E)   Commercial and industrial for sale/for lease signs.  Signs indicating the sale, rental, or lease of commercial or industrial real estate are limited to 16 square feet in area and six feet in height for lots with less than 100 feet of street frontage and 32 square feet in area and eight feet in height for lots with street frontage of 100 feet or more.  Individual tenant spaces within a parcel are allowed a window or wall sign no larger than 16 square feet in area. Signs are prohibited in the right-of-way or tree lawn. Freestanding signs must be located so that they do not interfere with the safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and must be removed within 14 days after the sale, rental, or lease has occurred. Only one such sign per street frontage is permitted.
   (F)   Open house signs.  Signs promoting an open house for property that is available for sale, rent, or lease, provided that only one such sign for each open house, (two for corner lots). All such signs shall be installed not more than two hours immediately preceding the open house and removed no more than two hours following conclusion of the open house. Such signs may not exceed seven square feet in area or three feet in height and must be located in such a way that would not interfere with the safe movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Such ground signs may not be located within medians, public right-of-way, tree lawns or off- premise.
   (G)   Window display signs.  Signs incorporated into the window display of a business, provided such window display signs are:
      (1)   Limited to one sign per window, with the total area of each sign not exceeding 25% of the area of the window in which it is placed, or six square feet, whichever is less.
      (2)   Placed only in first floor level windows.
      (3)   Erected for no longer than 30 days each. All previously displayed signage must be removed and not reinstalled for 30 days.
      (4)   The name of the company or business is limited to a maximum of 25% of the actual size of the window display sign.
   (H)   Private traffic and on-site directional signs.  Traffic and directional signs indicating points of entry or exit for a facility or off-street parking area, provided such signs are limited to a maximum of 12 square feet in area and three feet in height and do not interfere with safe vehicular or pedestrian traffic circulation or obstruct the view of drivers exiting onto highways or thoroughfares. Such signs may contain information such as "in," "enter," "entrance," "out," "exit," "do not enter" or similar language as approved by the Zoning Enforcement Officer. Arrows indicating desired traffic movement may also be used for directional signage. Such signs must be of a rectangular shape. Such signs must be on the property to which they refer and may not be placed within a public right-of-way.
   (I)   Informational window signs.  Window signage with a total area of six square feet or less and bearing only information about entry and exit, business hours, authorized service representative information and/or discount and credit systems accepted in that establishment (e.g., American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Golden Buckeye Card). This includes product signs. A maximum of two informational window signs per business use shall be permitted.
   (J)   Residential information signs.  Information signs are allowed only when they display information necessary for the safety and convenience of residents and visitors, such as "beware of dog" and "no trespassing." Such signs may not exceed two square feet in area and may contain no advertising.
   (K)   Bulletin boards.  Bulletin boards for public, charitable, or religious institutions located on the premises on which they are maintained and not exceeding 12 square feet in area. These signs when not attached flat against a building shall be distant at least 12 feet from all street lines. These signs may be illuminated, provided the sources of light be invisible. Not more than one sign shall be permitted to a single street frontage.
   (L)   Security system signs.  Signs displaying information about the security system protecting buildings or property, provided that such signs do not exceed one square foot in area.
   (M)   Construction trailer signs.  Signs painted on or affixed to construction trailers, vans, or other vehicles temporarily in use on a construction site.
   (N)   Identification signs.  Identification signs mounted flat against a structure, containing no advertising, and not exceeding two square feet in area.
   (O)   Historical society signs.  Signs of historical societies containing no advertising, and not more than five square feet in area.
   (P)   Tablets, grave markers, headstones, statuary or remembrance of persons or events.  Tablets, grave markers, headstones, statuary or remembrance of persons or events that are non-commercial in nature.
   (Q)   Yard signs.  Signs intended to display personal messages generally temporary in nature and not exceeding 32 square feet in area. Such signs are not permitted in "prohibited sign locations" and must be kept in a safe, presentable condition at all times.
   (R)   Historical marker sign.  Signs intended to identify a historical structure. Such signs shall be wall mounted and constructed on cast bronze material. The maximum area for such signs shall be six square feet.
   (S)   Sandwich board signs.  Each storefront or building shall be permitted one sandwich board sign used to advertise a special event or sale to be placed within the sidewalk area during normal business. Any approved sandwich board sign must be removed at the close of business each day and cannot be placed within the sidewalk area until the open of business the following day.
(Ord. 09-3306, passed 10-15-09; Am. Ord. 12-3352, passed 3-15-12)