(A)   No site plan or subdivision plat required under this Zoning Code shall receive final approval unless a landscaping plan has been submitted and approved.
   (B)   No zoning permit shall be issued unless such plan has been fully implemented on the site.
   (C)   A landscape and buffering plan shall be prepared and submitted along with the site plan review application.  The landscape and buffering plan shall be provided on a separate plan view sheet and contain the following information:
      (1)   Name of the applicant/owner;
      (2)   Name, address and phone number of the person or firm responsible for the preparation of the landscaping and buffering plan;
      (3)   Material to be removed or retained; and
      (4)   Tabular listings of existing plant material to be retained and proposed plant material within the buffer yard or landscape area with typical planting details for trees, shrubs and ground cover within the landscaped area.
(Ord. 09-3306, passed 10-15-09)