The civil service of the municipality is hereby divided into classified and unclassified service.
   A.   The Classified Service:  The classified service shall include only the following full time employees of the municipality. (a) All members (except volunteers) of the police department including the officers and Chief thereof.
   B.   The Unclassified Service:  The unclassified service shall include: (a) All officers elected by the people, (b) All members of boards and commissions, (c) All clerical personnel, (d) All heads of departments except the Chief of Police, (e) All officers and employees appointed by the City Manager and/or Council, (f) All unskilled laborers, truck drivers and employees of the service department, (g) All persons appointed to fill vacancies in elective offices, (h) All positions or any offices requiring peculiar, professional or exceptional qualifications.
(Amendment adopted by electorate (11-7-06))