The Mayor, if he has declared an emergency as provided in § 37.17 of this chapter, or the Vice-Mayor, if he has assumed command in the absence of the Mayor, may, as he deems advisable in the interest of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and in regard to the specific area or areas of the city imperiled by the public danger or emergency or the city as a whole, as he deems advisable, make and enforce orders to do any or all of the following after consultation with the City Manager:
   (A)   Prohibit or limit the number of persons who may gather or congregate, or prescribe conditions under which such persons may gather or congregate, upon the public highways or sidewalks or any outdoor place, or in any theater, restaurant, place of public assembly, or commercial establishment to which the public has access.
   (B)   Restrict or prohibit movement within, above, or beneath the areas which, in his judgment, are imperiled by the public danger or emergency.
   (C)   Establish a curfew during those hours of the day or night as he deems advisable and prohibit persons from being out of doors during the curfew.
   (D)   Prohibit or restrict the retail sale, distribution, or giving away of gasoline or other liquid flammable or combustible products in any container other than the gasoline tank properly affixed to a motor vehicle.
   (E)   Order the closing of gasoline stations and other establishments engaged in the retail sale, distribution, or dispensing or giving away of liquid flammable or combustible products.
   (F)   Prohibit or restrict the sale, distribution, dispensing, or giving away of any firearms or ammunition of any character whatsoever.
   (G)   Order the closing of any and all establishments or portions thereof engaged in the sale, distribution, dispensing, or giving away of firearms or ammunition.
   (H)   Prohibit or restrict the carrying or possession on the public streets or sidewalks or in any public park or square or any other public place a weapon or any object intended to be used as a weapon including but not limited to firearms, bows and arrows, air rifles, sling shots, knives, razors, broken bottles, fire bombs, missiles of any kind, clubs, blackjacks, billies, chains, or similar items.
   (I)   Prohibit or restrict the retail sale, distribution, dispensing, or giving away of acids, caustics, or any chemicals or other substances capable of being used singly or in combination to cause injury or damage to persons or property.
('91 Code, § 91.19)  (Ord. 2231, passed 6-6-68)