If, in the opinion of the Mayor, inclement weather conditions exist whereby creating hazardous and unsafe travel to work, the following policy specifies the guidelines for payment of wages on such occasions:
(a)   Scheduled employees who are able to come in to work on such inclement days shall be paid at their regular wage for actual time worked. Those employees who are not able to come in to work due to inclement weather shall have the option of receiving an excused day off without pay or using vacation time or compensatory time (law enforcement officers only) off. All Service Department and Law Enforcement Officers are expected to come in to work at their scheduled shift.
(b)   Employees who actually report to work and are then sent home prior to the end of their regular work shift due to inclement weather conditions will receive payment for the remaining portion of their shift.
(Ord. 63-1997. Passed 8-4-97.)