The Silver Lake Shade Tree Commission be, and the same is, hereby established, and the statement of policy and purpose, composition and organization, and duties of the Commission are hereby enacted as follows:
   (a)   Policy. It shall be the policy of the Village to regulate and control the planting, transplanting, maintenance and protection of trees and shrubs on Village owned or controlled property in the Village in order to eliminate and guard against dangerous conditions that may cause property damage or result in injury to persons while using the streets, alleys, sidewalks or property of the Village; to promote and enhance the beauty and general welfare of the Village; to prevent damage to any public sewer or water main, street, sidewalk or other public property; to protect trees and shrubs located in public areas from undesirable and unsafe planting, removal, treatment and maintenance practices; and guard all trees and shrubs within the Village against the spread of disease or pests.
   (b)   Establishment of Commission; membership. A Commission, to be known as the Silver Lake Shade Tree Commission (“the Commission”), is hereby created as an advisory board to the Silver Lake Park Board (“Park Board”). The Commission shall consist of up to five members who shall be residents of the Village. The Park Board, with the approval of Council, shall appoint the Commission. One of the members of the Commission shall be trained or experienced as a landscape horticulturist, if available. The Tree Committee Chairman of the Park Board shall also be the Shade Tree Commission Chairperson. No compensation shall be paid to members of the Commission.
   (c)   Duties of Commission.
      (1)   To study, investigate, plan, advise, report and recommend to the Park Board any action, program, plan or legislation that the Commission shall find or determine to be necessary or advisable for the care, preservation, trimming, planting, removal or disposition of trees and shrubs in public ways, streets and alleys.
      (2)   To assist the Park Board and the residents of the Village in the dissemination of news and information regarding the selection, planting and maintenance of trees within the corporate limits, whether the same are on private or public property, and to make recommendations to the Park Board from time to time, as to desirable legislation concerning the tree program and activities for the Village.
      (3)   To provide regular and special meetings at which the subject of trees insofar as it relates to the Village may be discussed by the members of the Commission, officers and personnel of the Village and all others interested in the tree program; and
      (4)   To study and recommend to the Park Board a Master Street Tree and Shrub Plan for the Village.
         (Ord. 30-2010. Passed 5-3-10.)