(a)    A master plumber shall be any person who proceeds with or employs others for making any mechanical connection to a sewer or water pipe or system or to repair, replace, alter, construct or add to any drain, soil waste, water or vent pipe in or about any building, structure or premises of any kind or class, used or to be used for any purpose whatsoever.
   (b)    A sewer layer is hereby defined as any person who proceeds with or employs others to install or lay sewers from the main or property line to a point three feet from the front or side of a building or foundation wall.
   (c)    Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent a licensed master plumber from engaging in the business of sewer laying without further examination or fee.
   (d)   Firm or corporation can engage in the plumbing or in the sewer laying trade or business provided the firm or corporation regularly and steadily employs in a supervisory capacity the holder of a master plumber's or a sewer layer's license as provided herein. No license holder shall be in the employ of more than one such firm or corporation at the same time.
(Ord. 17-73. Passed 5-8-73.)